eXperimenting play for couples

Getting Started in Erotic Trance

Getting Started in Erotic Trancework
interested in eXperimenting
sexual hypnosis play for couples

Brian David Phillips

Originally Published on the Hypnosis Technique Exchange at

A number of links in this archive piece may no longer function. Go to Getting Started in Erotic Trancework for more up to date information. The Hypnosis Technique eXchange is no longer active. Join the Experiential and Ecstatic Trance instead. For our most comprehensive training video package, check out EROSPSYMAGICK + Plus Comprehensive.

my wife and I would like to try some hypnotism to play out some fantasies. Some include….

Cal (and Maria), that’s healthy and a very gooood thing. Hypnosis can help you quite a bit with that.

You don’t tell us how experienced you are with hypnosis, so most of us are assuming you are at the novice level. You also don’t specify what kind of help you are looking for. Do you wish to learn enough hypnosis to do the process and install the triggers yourself or are you looking for a hypnotist to hypnotically condition your wife for you? I strongly suggest that you pursue the former as this sort of thing can be very healthy and rewarding for a couple to explore together without a stranger mucking up the mix.

I would suggest that in addition to any suggestions you get here, you might wish to also get yourselves a good book or video instruction course on regular vanilla hypnosis (the Gerry Kein video on the Elman Induction would be a good start http://www.omnihypnosis.com). You could also do some preliminary response conditioning by listening to some of my free files at http://phillips.personal.nccu.edu.tw/DRTRC/index.html which use trigger responses (the synthesia file might give you an idea on how to accomplish some of your goals). If you find any of my files helpful, I would appreciate an email letting me know (I love to hear from folks who enjoy the material). Or, better yet, send a fansign or three! 🙂

– at a spoken word….having my wife become totally and completely aroused, have her get down on all fours and “beg” to be penetrated and/or “feel” like she is being penetrated.

Be sure to keep the suggestions simple and straightforward at first. Also, keep it completely safe, sane, and consensual. If you give a suggestion in efforts to change something she doesn’t want to change – such as turn a straight woman into a raging bisexual by suggestion such with direct suggestion or imagery – you’re going to do more damage than good, damage which could harm your non-hypnotic relationship. If you stay within the limits of consensual and willing fantasy, there is nothing you can’t experience. If you can imagine it, it can be accomplished . . . and that includes some pretty esoteric stuff like her becoming a humanoid werecat in heat with the full illusion of feeling her fur and tail as well as an overpowering urge to satisfy her animal desires . . . if such things interest you (I have a script for that at the hypnosis exchange which you’re free to model if you wish).

I have appended links to a number of the posts I’ve made to my hypnosis blog regarding this. You may want to see the ones specifically related to “increasing sexual sensitivity,” “nipple hypnosis,” and “triggers.” I have also included in the list, a couple posts with more resources.

You might want to look through the archives here to see how these questions have been answered . . . since it’s so rich, sometimes the search function doesn’t go as far back as one would like so you could try browsing message headers from the beginning http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hypno-sex/messages You can also find a lot of scripts and techniques for erotic hypnosis at the technique exchange at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypnosisTechniqueExchange (if you do a search for Erotic Hypnosis you will find a number of signpost posts with links to some older pieces which are very valuable – Rick Brown’s old posts on instant suggested orgasm come to mine as well as some of my old erotic conditioning pieces).

I agree with Craig that you won’t go wrong with David Shade’s book (DAVID SHADE MANUAL) as it has a clear-cut Elman induction as well as descriptions of how he accomplished a number of the effects you are after.

In addition to David’s book, I would also suggest that you take a look at:

* Dr. Barbara Debetz and Samm Sinclair Baker. EROTIC FOCUS: THE NEW WAY TO ENHANCE YOUR SEXUAL PLEASURE. New York: Signet, 1985 . . . the Debetz/Baker book is mostly therapeutic with some sensuality and sexual activity suggestions. Interestingly, this piece never uses the word “hypnosis” although anyone with more than a passing familiarity with hypnosis will recognize exactly what she is doing which is all pretty solid sexual hypnosis with a strong Spiegel-based foundation.

* Wendi Friesen. HYPNOTIZE YOUR LOVER, DEEPER. www.wendi.com, 2001 . . . the Friesen book has a wide assortment of inductions and approaches by many different folks including myself (I contributed a chapter on writing erotic hypnosis letters which employ trigger phrases to deepen the response).

* Don E. Gibbons, PhD. EXPERIENCE AS AN ART FORM: HYPNOSIS, HYPEREMPIRIA, AND THE BEST ME TECHNIQUE and HYPER-SEX: THE SUBLIME ART OF SEXUAL SUGGESTION . . . this is general hyperempiria material with inductions as the Gibbons sex book, Hyper-Sex is very hard to find now but his more general hyperempiria pieces are still readily available and easily applied to any situation.

* Peter Masters. LOOK INTO MY EYES: HOW TO USE HYPNOSIS TO BRING OUT THE BEST IN YOUR SEX LIFE. Greenery Press, 2001 . . . the Masters book adapts progressive relaxation induction techniques to Dominance/submission erotic play. He has some good ideas but I would suggest other inductions . . . I disagree very very strongly with his views on stage hypnosis (to the point that it made me seriously question his qualifications and skill in other aspects of hypnosis).

We are serious, so only serious replys only. Can anyone help us with this?

I hope this has been helpful.

When looking at other people’s scripts, remember . . . scripts are just models, learn the ideas and process behind the scripts and you can quickly create your own applications to new circumstances.

If others have more to add . . . and there are a LOT of good folks here who know wherefore and whereof they speak on this subject here in this group . . . please, please, please chime on in.

Also . . . if you use other folks’ material, let them know your experience and be sure to let the group know how it goes. If you have further specific or general questions, feel free to ask.

This is an aspect of hypnosis and of sexuality a number of us are more than happy to help you in. Welcome to an exciting and brave new adventure. We hope the two of you enjoy it . . . together.

See the list of resource posts after the sig below.

All the best, Brian


Here are some posts to Life of Brian which may help you (if Yahoogroups breaks the links, just cobble them together):

Hypnotize Your Lover- better sex with hypnosis http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2003/11/hypnotize_your_.html

Sex Trance . . . or . . . Hypnosis for Sex (with books) http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2003/11/sex_trance_or_h.html

Remote Controlled Orgasms http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/01/remote_controll.html

Suggestibility Games for the Imagination: IMAGINATIVE SUGGESTIBILITY GAMES (Creative Thinking Suggestibility Tests) http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/02/suggestibility_.html

When Two Become One. . . One and One is Two as One http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/06/when_two_become.html

O . . . http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/06/o_.html

The “Make My Wife A Mindless Slut” Query http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/06/the_make_my_wif.html

Triggers and Sleight Triggers in Trance Phenomenon and Hypnotic Response http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/06/triggers_and_sl.html

More on Triggers and Sleight Triggers http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/06/more_on_trigger.html

Sleight Triggers and Triggers . . . more http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/06/sleight_trigger.html

Hypnosis for Increasing Erotic Sensitivity and Response (with book list) http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/07/hypnosis_for_in.html

Nipple Buttons http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/07/nipple_buttons.html

Vicarious Experiential Memory Machine http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/07/vicarious_exper.html

Covert Tests and Convincers for Somnambulism within Hypnotic Guided Imagery (with Elman Induction) http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/07/covert_tests_an.html

Erotic Post-Hypnotic Suggestions http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/07/erotic_posthypn.html

Nipple Hypnosis http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/08/nipple_hypnosis.html

Why an Orgasm Really is All in the Mind http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/09/why_an_orgasm_r.html

Hyperacuity and Hyperempiria http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/09/hyperacuity_and.html

Color Purple http://briandavidphillips.typepad.com/brian/2004/10/the_color_purpl.html

Speaking of the ecstatic mind, you can learn a whole slew of new techniques by checking out our EROTICATRANCE video training programs in erotic hypnosis which are in general release. If you don’t have the original set you can get it or perhaps the new advanced set or even go for the gusto go for the erotic gold and become an Ultimate Magickal Pleasure Hypnotist with our single most comprehensive program with our largest collection yet that takes you from the basics of hypnosis to erotic hypnosis and ecstatic trance through to very advanced erotic hypnosis work as well as esoteric constructs and so very much more all courtesy the special package at https://briandavidphillips.net/erospsymagickplus.

If you’re in Taiwan and interested in hypnosis, check the trainins pages for our local events. Not in Taiwan? Check the store for recordings in the same menu area as well as links to lots and lots of info and goodies. Of course, browsing this site will bring you to a digital ton of positive resources on a wide variety of topics as well.

Live Trance and Prosper,
Brian David Phillips

Trance Wizard

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