Monthly Archives: August 2018

500 Miles of VR Music Rhythm Games: Mixed Reality Virtual Reality Experience

How do different rhythm music games handle the same song in virtual reality? Let’s find out! 500 Miles of VR Music Rhythm Games: Mixed Reality Virtual Reality Experience Brian David Phillips plays the same song (500 Miles by The Proclaimers) in four different virtual reality music rhythm games (Audioshield, Beat Saber, BoxVR, and Soundboxing) to…

Zombie Training Simulator: Virtual Reality Experience

The apocalypse is coming and you know zombies will start rampaging soon so grab your gun and run through the Zombie Training Simulator to get your zombie killing skills up to par! Zombie Training Simulator: Virtual Reality Experience! Brian David Phillips opens up ZOMBIE TRAINING SIMULATOR, a Virtual Reality game for the HTC Vive, and…

Audioshield Revisit: Virtual Reality Experience

Let’s look under the hood and see how AUDIOSHIELD handles the same song in different difficulties! Audioshield Revisit: Virtual Reality Experience! Brian David Phillips opens up AUDIOSHIELD, a Virtual Reality game for the HTC Vive, and demonstrates how the program algorithm changes the behavior of the orbs with the same song under different difficulty settings.…