Monthly Archives: June 2011

Job Market Suckage

So, thanks to the suckage that is today’s economy and the mess it has made of what used to be a job market, newly graduated millennials can’t start their careers and baby boomers are forced to delay retirement and can’t end their careers . . . can you say Catch 22? Ronald Brownstein at the…

William Shatner Sings O Canada

Love him or hate him or have massive amounts of indifference toward him, no one, absolutely no one, sings like the great William Shatner. In honor of his receipt of the Lifetime Achievement Award from Canada’s Governor General, Shatner sings O Canada in a style uniquely his own! Congratulations, Mr. Shatner! All the best, Brian…

Voodoo Hypnosis Goes Way Over the Edge as FIFTY Women Under Hypnosis Orgasm Whenever Teddy Is Caressed

I’ve posted before about one of my favorite series of eroticatrance programs out of Japan before, here’s another clip from an episode of E Onna A Onna in which fifty Japanese women are hypnotized so that as a giant teddy bear is caressed, they experience overpowering sexual feelings and orgasms. In the actual DVD, the…

PERSONALITY RESTRUCTURING and HYPNOTIC SOCIAL INFLUENCE . . . Choose NOW and Receive Special Special Bonus and Savings and So Very Much MORE! Seriously, do NOT miss your chance!

We have two very special events coming up in August . . . yes, they are very close together and in different two different cities in two different countries and cover two very different topics . . . yes, we’re going to be very busy. You can join us for both events or just one…

Support Your Local Sluts . . . Slutwalks gone Viral now International – Women Reclaiming a Word and an Identity

According to Jessica Valenti in her excellent piece for the Washington Post ( – seriously, go read it), Slutwalks have not only gone viral and international, they may very well be the future of feminism as young women march to reclaim a word that represents an identity but also defuses that word in what I…

Hypnotic Female Orgasm

Here are a couple brief video examples of eroticatrance type techniques from the same session. First, we see the hypnotist induce a hypnotic state then accelerate pleasure through suggestion with orgasm. Next, we see the same trance partner re-induced into hypnosis and observe her experience bliss with euphoric laughter response. Those of you interested in…

Glass Glass Glassgasm Hypnosis Orgasms Galore!

Okay, a slew of folks enjoyed the recent post of the Hypnotic Glassgasm at, the use of hypnotic suggestion to create erotic response based upon the touch of a drinking glass. So, we’ve gone through the archives and found some more fun glassgasm hypnotic orgasm videos for you! Glass Hypnosis See Bubble Hypnotic…

Report Concludes Drug War has Failed

The global war on drugs has failed and governments should explore legalizing marijuana and other controlled substances, according to a commission that includes former heads of state, a former U.N. secretary-general and a business mogul. A new report by the Global Commission on Drug Policy argues that the decades-old “global war on drugs has failed,…

Jessica Alba recommending Hypnobirthing

Pregnant Jessica Alba has offered some useful advice to other expectant moms – she has asked them to try ‘hypnobirthing classes’ to keep calm. The 30-year-old actress, who is expecting her second child, said that she is finding the lessons on using hypnosis during childbirth very useful. “It’s different for everyone, although I do recommend…

Freeze Frame Hypnosis

A fairly common gag for hypnotic entertainment is the full body catalepsy with a twist of time distortion or the freeze frame hypnosis suggestion in which a person is told that at a given command (usually a post-hypnotic suggestion) they will freeze and only unfreeze on another command at which time they will unfreeze after…