Monthly Archives: May 2010

My Wicked Way

Benjamin Taylor's WICKED WAY . . . Nice one. All the best,Brian (If you are reading this blog post via a stream, go to to access the full post with any videos or photos included.)  HYPNOSIS VIDEO COURSES    Hypnosis Shows, Sessions, Training . . . and MORE! See for details Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [] Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance…

How to Attend ENERGY ORGASMS Webinar this Weekend!

HOW TO ATTENDW E B I N A R eXperientialEnergy OrgasmsMay 16, Online http://trancesociety.netBackground: So, you want to participate in the ENERGY ORGASMS webinar but aren't sure how to attend. Make sure you are a member of the COMMUNITY at – if you're not yet a member, then go to the page at and take…

eXperiential Energy ORGASMs This Weekend!

W E B I N A R eXperientialEnergy OrgasmMay 16, Online http://trancesociety.netBackground: Here we go . . . make sure you have signed up . . . that means getting things in order so that you have your Community account activated and your membership in the Gold Members Only group pre-approved . . . if you don't…

Learning to Flow

I recently wrote an essay on how artists can create flow states for enhanced creativity so imagine the synchronicity meter going off when I found a link to this beautifully constructed essay on the same such thing.  See Learning to Flow from Zero Paralax at and enjoy. All the best,Brian (If you are reading this blog post…

Ever Dream This Man?

The infamous DREAM MAN of fame is getting his own movie.  See for details. The Mysterious Dream Man is a wonderful exercise in suggestion.  Just by setting things up with the story of all the people who have dreamed of this man and then asking if folks have had such dreams, they inherently plant the suggestion so…

R.I.P. Frank Frazetta

Legendary fantasy artist FRANK FRAZETTA has passed . . . one of my favorite artists, his images and imagination touched the minds and imaginations of many . . . Frazetta treated themes and context as widely diverse as Arthurian knights on quests to science fiction and science fantasy . . . from escapist fantasy to…

Music by Jonathan Coulton

If you are not familiar with the music of Jonathan Coulton, give him a listen at . . . there are some wonderfully clever songs related to scifi, horror, and whatnot in there. All the best,Brian (If you are reading this blog post via a stream, go to to access the full post with any videos…

Halting Brain Activity through Prayer

From io9 . . . A team of Danish researchers have found that when listening to a well-spoken person who claims to have divine healing powers, the regions of the brain responsible for skepticism and vigilance become less active. Using an MRI machine,Uffe Schjødt of Aarhus University in Denmark scanned the brains of 20 Pentecostal Christians…

Avatar Wars

This is a bit old . . . but . . . it's still neat. Yes, it's a joke . . . but . . . the day when live actors start feeling put out of work by computer generated ones may not be that far off . . . eventually, even the voices will…

R.I.P. Gil Boyne

It is with sadness that I report that GIL BOYNE has passed away. Unfortunately, I don't have any other details at this time as they have been sketchy on the few sites I've seen it reported. Gil will be greatly missed and as has been noted elsewhere, it doesn't matter if you were one of…

Nyoki Nyoki?

Here's a little video I made just for you folks . . . just because it's fun. For those who are still scratching their heads over what I just did and the "experiment worth repeating" from yesterday's post . . . here's the context. Now, go out there and nyoki nyoki some responses of your…