Monthly Archives: June 2006

Tarot Trance . . . clarifications . . .

Some more clarification on my post about Tarot Trance. Dr. Phillips, that sounds fascinating . . . but . . . I don’t know all that tarotish mumbojumbo and card meaning stuffs and really am not enough patience to learn them I guess I was not clear enough . . . the Tarot Trance processes…

Roles, Power, and Influence . . .
Milgram, Zimbardo, and Derren Brown

Does our inate response to authority shut off our ethical sense or responsible behavior?  There are a lot of studies on this very question and the bulk of them point to a rather disapointing and resounding yes.  It seems people are often pretty much sheep or more aptly lemmings. Once again, crossposting from the Hypnosis…

Little Girl Lost, Father Frame, and . . .
. . . Games Chinese Girls Play

On a super secret email discussion list I belong to consisting of influence experts in Asia who specialize in influence and psychological forces used within communication skills specifically for relationships and particularly seduction . . .a post came up recently on how many Chinese girls in relationships employ a strategy of feigning girlishness and treating…