
Types of Love

LOVE, while wonderful, isn’t black and white, and it sure isn’t simple. There are lots of different types of love and we experience different types with the various people in our lives. Here are the types of love . . . Romantic Love This is often what people think of when they first think about…

Internet Marketing Douchebaggery

Brad Gosse presents a fairly accurate take on how internet marketers are perceived and why this may be a deserved reputation for many. Most people think internet marketers are douche bags. Many are. The industry is graduating, which side are you on? Obviously, my students will remember the Quintillian Paradigm that I teach in every…

Focused Energy, Reality Shifting, and Detachable Fingers

My students at the university are learning magic tricks which they teach to their classmates . . . the prestidigitation kind not the occult . . . the exercise is intended to give them experience in demonstrational speaking, the act of teaching a skill to others, while signposting the importance of critical thinking. Too many…

Exorcist Arrested for Conducting Exorcism with His Penis

This isn’t the first time I’ve seen a story like this. Over the years, there have been number of scandals here in Taiwan of exorcists or priests or self-styled holy men purporting similar cures. This time, the story takes place in China. From the Global Times . . . A self-proclaimed “ghostbuster” was arrested in…

The Bullshit that is Prosperity Gospel

Prosperity Gospel is a movement within the Evangelical side of the Christian church that has a long standing tradition . . . that tradition is rooted firmly in hucksterism, conmen, sleight of faith, and out and out fraud. It feeds upon the desperation and fears of a population and essentially preys upon those who can’t…

Ideomotor Fun Time Streaming Video & Audio

On 15 June 2013, Brian David Phillips presented on IDEOMOTOR FUN TIME: Automatisms & Beyond (Ideomotor Techniques for Fun, Creativity, Therapy, Introspective Insight, and Beyond) in a live seminar for the HypnoThoughts Live conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA ( The IDEOMOTOR FUN TIME session description from the HTL program is as follows: Be prepared…

When a Group becomes ONE: Intimacy Enhancement via Group Trancework

You may already be familiar with my WHEN TWO BECOME ONE process for intimacy enhancement for couples. However, the same process can be used by groups . . . typically polyamorous groupings or intentional families. When Two Become One Audio Recording – 35 minutes, 16.6 megs. In this very special trancework session, Rev. Dr. Brian…

MINDGAMES – 14 April 2013 – FREE Waking Hypnosis Workshop in Taipei

FREE WAKING HYPNOSIS WORKSHOP MINDGAMES Fun with Waking Hypnosis Suggestibility Intensified Imagination Games 14 April 2013 : Taipei free focused trance hypnosis workshop in MINDGAMES Intensified Imagination GamesWaking Hypnotic Fun Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips 14 April 2013, 14:00-17:00Waking Dreams, Taipei Facebook Event Page Spread the News, Invite Your Friends! . AMAZING…

Selective Attention and Why Most Radiologists Don’t Notice A Gorilla in a CT Scan

Yep, you read that headline right . . . most radiologists don’t notice a gorilla in a CT scan. Now, since I’ve had a partially collapsed lung for quite some time, I’ve seen more than my share of CT scans of the lung and it’s absolutely fascinating to watch my specialist doctor go through the…