Daily Archives: April 6, 2011

Elfquest . . . fan movie trailer

Awesome and a half! A group of web-series actors and actresses have created their own fan imagining of an Elfquest movie and their teaser trailer looks pretty awesome! This is all with Richard and Wendi Pini‘s blessing. Beautiful! Uh, yes, I could actually identify every character shown in that sucker and it’s been a few…

Marijuana Pain Relief

As regular readers know from previous posts here, marijuana has a whole slew of positive medicinal potential . . . a recent study shows directions in pain relief as an aspirin type substitute with research going towards the creation of non-psychedelic strains or medical forumulae. See http://www.nature.com/nchembio/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nchembio.552.html for the paper published in Nature. All the…