Daily Archives: November 21, 2010

Daryl Bem and the Study Confirming Human Psychic Powers

The Telegraph reports on a study by Daryl Bem that confirms that at least in some areas humans do indeed seem to have some sort of psi or psychic power. See their piece at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/8142192/Humans-do-have-psychic-powers-study-claims.html and then look a little closer before dismissing the actual study. The Telegraph report, like so many media reports on…

War on Marijuana has Failed

Police Chief Joseph McNamara explains his reasons for making this advert at the Huffington Post.  See http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joseph-mcnamara/lets-be-honest-the-war-ag_b_773627.html. Honestly, while I do support Prop. 19 and similar incremental movements toward control through legalization, I suspect it ain’t going to happen. Just as prohibition made gangsters rich and really created the institution of organized crime in the…