Daily Archives: November 20, 2010

Memories of Camelot

Well, I finally got some photos . . . well video framegrabs . . . of my daughter, Kaye Elizabeth Phillips, performing MEMORIES OF CAMELOT, her original piano composition on 4 June 2010 at Tamkang Senior High School in Tamshui, Taiwan, where she is a student in the music specialty program, majoring in Composition and…

Talk about Depressing

Well, it looks like there just may indeed be a connection between depression and the amount of light when a person is sleeping. Live Science has an interesting piece on studies that show a correlation between light and sleep and depression. See http://www.livescience.com/health/night-light-depression-brain-101117.html for their piece along with their suggestion to sleep in a dark…

Being Human . . . American Style

Here’s some more new footage of the American version of BEING HUMAN . . . I am looking forward to seeing what else they do with this! I really like the original British version so I have high hopes for the American adaptation, and secret fears of them doing something awful or stupidish . .…

Wandering Minds

So close to half of the people in any group are off inside their minds wandering at any given time. According to a new study (see http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/16/science/16tier.html) when the mind wanders, happiness can stray too. Now, if someone’s doing something that makes them feel good you would expect them to have wandering thoughts that are…