Daily Archives: November 16, 2010

DARK KAMELOT Live Action Roleplaying Game for New Year’s Day

DARK KAMELOT An Afternoon of Interactive Drama http://www.interactivedramas.info/tdarkkamelot1.htm directed by Brian David Phillips and Lorraine Phillips 1 January 2011, 3:00pm http://www.interactivedramas.info/tdarkkamelot1.htm followed immediately by Pot-Luck Dinner/Game Party 6:30pm-ish to whenever folks leave join us for costume roleplay fun in a Dark World of Arthurian Alternate History Weirdness An afternoon of improvisational interactive drama roleplaying games!…

Aleister Crowley 2012

Yes, the folks at Red State Update have accepted a political advert for Aleister Crowley as President of the United States in 2012 . . . if such a bastion of sensible critical thought can accept Crowley’s ad, shouldn’t you vote that way? Or not. BTW, it’s NOT “Do What Thou Wilt” . . .…