Daily Archives: April 13, 2010

Shamanic Trance Dance

S H A M A N I C T r a n c e       D a n c e eXperiential Trance Dance 靈動之舞體驗工作坊 May 22-23, Taipei http://www.lovetranceformation.org 中文: http://www.lovetranceformation.org/love.html Here's a beautiful video compilation of the Shamanic Trance Dance experience with Zelia Pye. Seeing without eyes…..Close your eyes on the world of…

The Mesmerized Mind

New work on mind and brain and hypnosis . . . Mention hypnosis, and the image that springs to mind is a caped magician swinging a pocket watch, seducing otherwise sensible people into barking like dogs. But hypnosis is more than a stage show act. For years, psychologists have used it to help patients calm…