Daily Archives: August 10, 2009

Morokat Mess . . . typhoon devastation

Wow, even the Western media is actually covering the mess Typhoon made of Taiwan (well, their leads are on China with asides about Taiwan).  While we were relatively unscathed, much of the island was hit hard.  Tainan's going to have problems with dirty resovoir water for a while and the rail service will be disrupted…

Stairway to Heaven . . . Beatles Style

One of the most linked to posts on this blog is in reference to the song Stairway to Heaven (https://briandavidphillips.net/2004/02/stairway_to_hea.html) and how if you play it backwards, you can hear an ode to Satan . . . making it one of the most ingenious pop songs of the twentieth century (heaven one way and hell…