Brian David Phillips, Ph.D., C.H.
: Waking Dreams Hypnosis : Interactive Dramas : Taiwan Virtual Reality :

NCCU Course Policies

Are you trapped in someone else's frames?

Be sure to check often for updates and more!

Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH
Associate Professor, National Chengchi University
Organizer, Taiwan Virtual Reality Meetup
Certified Hypnotherapist, Performance Hypnotist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Minister, Church of Universal Loving Tranceformation

Course Listings - 2019-2020, Spring

Brian David Phillips, Ph.D., C.H.

617 Research Building (by appointment only)

If you are not already a member, be sure to create a Facebook account for yourself and if you wish you may choose to add Dr. Phillips as a contact ( or perhaps also click on like at his professional profile at - note that there is a Facebook network for NCCU that you can join as well as the Taiwan network (please keep in mind that while you may choose to if you like, you are not required to friend any instructor on Facebook or other social media networks – you are welcome to but remember instructors and employers may actually read your posts from time to time).

Many of our classes are directly involved with creating content for the SPARKSHOW Youtube channel at

The INTERACTIVE DRAMAS site is at, you are strongly encouraged to also join the Taiwan Troupe's facebook group at!

The 3D, VIRTUAL REALITY, AUGMENTED REALITY, 360° VIDEO site is at, you are strongly encouraged to also join the 3D/VR/AR/360° Taiwan's facebook group at! You may also wish to check out the Waking Dreams VR/360°/3D/AR Youtube channel at too. There is an active Taiwan Virtual Reality Meetup at too.

If you have a VR headset that supports quality VR experiences and games, you may connect with Prof. Phillips via his Steam ID ( or on Oculus (Rift or Quest) ( ,(ID: briandavidphillips)). If you play Rec Room ( ,you can find Prof. Phillips in his GentleWolf ID ( there too.

If you do add Prof. Phillips on any social media or gaming sites, it is a good idea to send a message via Facebook or email with a heads up of your ID on the site so he knows who it is and how he knows you or he might not accept the invitation.

You are no longer required to join the site at but if you wish to with at least a Basic membership, please email Dr. Phillips with your username and the email you used to register for this site so he can manually upgrade you to the exclusive Special Student membership for NCCU students on that site for special optional helpful resources related to the course.

Be certain to join ALL REQUIRED SITES especially the Facebook group.

Oral Training and Reading 2

Video Magazine

Wednesday, 1:10-4:00
研究 420 Research Building

Facebook Group:
NCCU Special Student Membership:

Sparkshow Channel:
Interactive Dramas:
Taiwan Interactive Theatre Society:
3D/VR/AR/360° Taiwan:
Waking Dreams VR/360°/3D/AR:
Taiwan Virtual Reality Meetup:
Guided Imagery:

If you have a VR headset that supports quality VR experiences and games, you may connect with Prof. Phillips via his Steam ID ( or on Oculus (Rift or Quest) ( ,(ID: briandavidphillips)). If you play Rec Room ( ,you can find Prof. Phillips in his GentleWolf ID ( there too.

If you do add Prof. Phillips on any social media or gaming sites, it is a good idea to send a message via Facebook or email with a heads up of your ID on the site so he knows who it is and how he knows you or he might not accept the invitation.

Be certain to check the policies on this page and download the course orientation and policies information documents from the files section of the class Facebook group. You are responsible for the information. Download and print and place in your files for coursework. This is very very important.


Thursday, 9:10-12:00
研究 106 Research Building

Facebook Group:
NCCU Special Student Membership:

Sparkshow Channel:
Interactive Dramas:
Taiwan Interactive Theatre Society:
3D/VR/AR/360° Taiwan:
Waking Dreams VR/360°/3D/AR:
Taiwan Virtual Reality Meetup:

If you have a VR headset that supports quality VR experiences and games, you may connect with Prof. Phillips via his Steam ID ( or on Oculus (Rift or Quest) ( ,(ID: briandavidphillips)). If you play Rec Room ( ,you can find Prof. Phillips in his GentleWolf ID ( there too.

If you do add Prof. Phillips on any social media or gaming sites, it is a good idea to send a message via Facebook or email with a heads up of your ID on the site so he knows who it is and how he knows you or he might not accept the invitation.

Be certain to check the policies on this page and download the course orientation and policies information documents from the files section of the class Facebook group. You are responsible for the information. Download and print and place in your files for coursework. This is very very important.

Attendance Policies

Please see your class Facebook group for current official policies.

Attendance and participation in this course are required. As the course requires active and involved participation, students who are tardy or absent will be penalized.

Yes, attendance penalties apply to the first few weeks of class when some folks are still undergoing Drop-Add so if you join a class late, you still need to make up the points for the classes you may have missed.

Extra Credit

Please see your class Facebook group for current official policies.

For students who wish to makeup for lost points, or who wish to do extra work to help boost their final grade, there are limited extra-credit work options.

No extra-credit project is ever required and is only approved at the instructor's discretion. These projects are for those wishing to makeup lost points or to enhance their other scores. All extra-credit work is optional and as such some students may find certain projects more interesting to them than others. None of these extra-credit projects are required and as such they may not all reflect the particular nature of a specific course and are usually related to the instructor's research or other interests. There are very limited extra-credit openings and as such are extremely limited in participation so students must make arrangements with the instructor early if they wish to have the opportunity to participate in certain projects.

It is highly advisable to not be in a situation where you need extra-credit as the opportunities are very limited. Come to class and complete assignments on time. If you find yourself needing or wanting Extra Credit points, do NOT wait until the end of the semester as by that time the instructor's time is limited and many projects are no longer available.

Extra Credit is no longer available within the last two weeks of a semester. If you wish to earn extra credit points, you must do so well in advance.

Students may not receive more than ten extra credit points in a single semester.

Fantasy Drama

Please see your class Facebook group for current official policies.

These are Discworld plays adapted from the novels of Terry Pratchett. Students who wish to do an extra credit review, should contact Dr. Phillips. You may be able to order these through Page One Bookstore in Taipei 101 or via an online vendor - links to Amazon UK and US online bookstores are included here for those who want them (some titles are not as reliably available from the US stores). If you wish to participate in this project, be certain to give yourself plenty of time for the pieces to arrive from overseas in a timely fashion if you cannot find them in Taiwan.

Alternatively, students may choose to organize a filmed or videotaped "performance" of one of the plays - a costume adaptation of thirty-to-forty minutes edited and produced. In such cases students will hand in the original play, their adapted script, and a DVD of their completed video project (DVD quality, not VCD). Such video projects receive significantly more points divided amongst the students in the course who are involved.

Before beginning this project for extra credit, you MUST first contact the instructor as the play titles are limited and only one student per play. If another student has already reserved a title, you may NOT choose it. If you reserve a title for this project, you MUST complete it or face penalties.

Some pieces are already completed, so please confirm with the Professor BEFORE beginning work. If you wish to use a drama adapted from a Terry Pratchett novel that is not listed here, feel free to discuss it with the professor.

    • This is where the dragons went. They lie... not dead, not asleep, but... dormant. And although the space they occupy isn't like normal space, nevertheless they are packed in tightly. They could put you in mind of a can of sardines, if you thought sardines were huge and scaly. And presumably, somewhere, there's a key.
    • This play is a dramatization of the eighth Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett (the original novel is available here (UK) and here (US)).
      • Paperback 179 pages (1 May, 1997)
      • Publisher: Corgi Adult
      • ISBN: 0552144312
      • You can get a copy of the playscript here (UK) or here (US).
    • The fairies are back--but this time they don't just want your teeth... Granny Weatherwax and her tiny coven are up against real elves. It's Midsummer Night. No time for dreaming... With full supporting cast of dwarfs, wizards, trolls, Morris dancers and one orang-utan. And lots of hey- nonny-nonny and blood all over the place.
    • This play is a dramatization of the fourteenth Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett (the original novel is available here (UK) and here (US)).
      • Paperback 87 pages (12 June, 2001)
      • Publisher: Samuel French
      • ISBN: 057301888X
      • You can get a copy of the playscript here (UK) here (US).
    • The gods are playing games again, and this time the mysterious Lady opposes Fate in a match of "Destinies of Nations Hanging by a Thread". The great wizzard is called from far away to help a coutry in what they would call interesting times, meanwhile Kohen and his horde of barbarians are being taught by a school teacher, Lord Hong is being evil and big, fat wrestlers are eating the entire place. The only person who can stop this is RINSEWIND the great "wizzard" himself....oh dear.
    • This play is a dramatization of the seventeenth Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett (the original novel is available here (UK) and here (US)).
      • Paperback 112 pages (4 July, 2002)
      • Publisher: Methuen Publishing Ltd
      • ISBN: 0413772195
      • You can get a copy of the playscript here (UK) or here (US).
    • The show must go on, as murder, music and mayhem run riot in the night... The Opera House, Ankh-Morpork...a huge, rambling building, where innocent young sopranos are lured to their destiny by a strangely familiar evil mastermind in a hideously-deformed evening dress... At least, he hopes so. But Granny Weatherwax, Discworld's most famous witch, is in the audience. And she doesn't hold with that sort of thing. So there's going to be trouble (but nevertheless a good evening's entertainment with murders you can really hum...).
    • This play is a dramatization of the eighteenth Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett (the original novel is available here (UK) and here (US)).
      • Paperback 99 pages (18 September, 1998)
      • Publisher: Samuel French
      • ISBN: 0573018294
      • You can get a copy of the playscript here (UK) or here (US).
    • Mightily Oats has not picked a good time to be a priest. He thought he'd come to Lancre for a simple ceremony. Now he's caught up in a war between vampires and witches. There's Young Agnes, who is really in two minds about everything. Magrat, who is trying to combine witchcraft and nappies, Nanny Ogg.. and granny Weatherwax, who is big trouble. And the vampires are intelligent. They've got style and fancy waistcoats. They're out of the casket, and want a bite of the future. Mightily Oats knows he has a prayer, but he wishes he had an axe
    • This play is a dramatization of the twenty-third Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett (the original novel is available here (UK) and here (US)).
      • Paperback 118 pages (November 1999)
      • Publisher: Samuel French
      • ISBN: 057301776X
      • You can get a copy of the playscript here (UK) or here
    • Commander Vimes is sent to wild, wintry and Transylvania-like Uberwald to establish trade links with the King of the Dwarfs but he ends up trying to stop an inter-species war. On his side, though, is a talking dog, a reformed vampyre and a self-made man. You can tell he's self-made because the stitches still show. Vimes may have arrived as Ankh-Morpork's ambassador but he soon finds it's not all golden chocolate balls. Now he's an escaped prisoner - out in the icy woods, wearing only the gloomy trousers of Uncle Vanya and being chased by a pack of fascist werewolves who don't play by the rules.
    • This play is a dramatization of the twenty-fourth Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett (the original novel is available here (UK) and here (US)).
      • Paperback 96 pages (8 January, 2002)
      • Publisher: Methuen Publishing Ltd
      • ISBN: 0413771156
      • You can get a copy of the playscript here (UK) or here (US).
    • There's been a murder. Allegedly. William de Worde is the Discworld's first investigative journalist. He didn't mean to be - it was just an accident.But, as William fills his pages with reports of local club meetings and pictures of humorously-shaped vegetables, dark forces high up in Ankh-Morpork's society are plotting to overthrow the city's ruler, Lord Vetinari. They've employed two Tarantinoesque thugs, Mr Tulip and Mr Pin. They mean business. Luckily, William has an informant. He can't be a talking dog because dogs can't talk. He's known only as... Deep Bone.
    • This play is a dramatization of the twenty-fifth Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett (the original novel is available here (UK) and here (US)).
      • Paperback 96 pages (8 January, 2002)
      • Publisher: Methuen Publishing Ltd
      • ISBN: 0413771164
      • You can get a copy of the playscript here (UK) or here (US).
    • Maurice is a talking cat who leads a band of rather special rats from town to town to fake invasions of vermin. Keith, in cahoots with Maurice, turns up with his flute and leads the rats out of town--a hefty reward in tow. It's a scam that works perfectly... until they arrive in the town of Bad Blintz and their ruse is sussed by the young girl Malicia. Maurice and his mice realise they are about to be caught in the middle of something rather bad.
    • This play is a dramatization of a children's Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett (the original novel is available here (UK) and here (US)).
      • Hardcover 128 pages (17 April, 2003)
      • Publisher: Oxford University Press
      • ISBN: 0198314949
      • You can get a copy of the playscript here (UK) or here (US).
    • Sell the cemetery? Over their dead bodies... Not many people can see the dead (not many would want to). Twelve-year-old Johnny Maxwell can. And he's got bad news for them: the council want to sell the cemetery as a building site. But the dead have learnt a thing or two from Johnny. They're not going to take it lying down...especially since it's Halloween tomorrow. Besides, they're beginning to find that life is a lot more fun than it was when they were...well...alive. Particularly if they break a few rules.
    • This play is a dramatization of a fantasy novel by Terry Pratchett (the original novel is available here (UK) and here (US)).
      • Paperback 96 pages (5 December, 1996)
      • Publisher: Oxford University Press
      • ISBN: 0198312946
      • You can get a copy of the playscript here (UK) or here (US).

email Brian David Phillips, Ph.D., C.H., at

or explore these fine webpages:

Brian David Phillips Waking Dreams - hypnosis and focused trance
Brian David Phillips Blog - blog
Brian_David_Phillips - facebook
Society of Experiential Trance - society
Interactive Dramas - interactive drama archive
Taiwan Interactive Drama Troupe - interactive drama troupe news for Taiwan, join us!






























































































































































































































Brian David Phillips : Waking Dreams





















































 Centre of Universal Loving Tranceformation





















































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