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Posts for the slide thingie.

Evangelical Orgasms

Faith is a very powerful thing . . . when properly ignited it can lead to incredibly powerful experiences . . . some of them wonderful and some of them the opposite of good times. However, the mystical ecstasy experienced by many can be a very powerful life-changing experience within the appropriate context. It can…

Change Blindness

The phenomenon of Change Blindness is an interesting function of our blinds in that when we are involved in an activity we gloss over particular changes in the environment, particularly when they are unexpected and all other functions of the context are as expected. This is demonstrated via an intriguing experiment in which one experimenter…

Selective Attention

I’ve posted on Selective Attention before but since it’s been awhile and a number of the videos previously referenced are no longer valid, I thought I’d repost a bit to clear out the rubble so to speak. Visual Selective Attention ExperimentBecklen and Cervone (1983) Selective AwarenessDancing Bear Selective AttentionKids Version Brian www.BrianDavidPhillips.net

Study proves the obvious . . . men are more likely to say yes to sex with a random stranger than women are.

It’s official! Men are more likely to have sex with random strangers than women. There’s an old study done in the United States on sexual attraction that I discuss in my various Seduction Mindtricks 情場高手速成班 seminars and workshops as well as in a few of my university courses on communication. In the study, students (male…

Goodbye, Ra

Ra Uru Hu has passed. Goodbye, Ra . . . fair journey. The following notice was posted on the Jovian Archive: Some of my dearest friends (Deepak and Ming-yng) are advocates and practitioners of Human Design and I have taken an introductory course with them along with other programs so I have built a bit…

Does Erotic Hypnosis need to be consensual?

Recently, on the Hypnosis Technique Exchange (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypnosisTechniqueExchange), we received a query on the nature of consent and hypnosis and why I often say that it is very important for erotic hypnosis to be built upon a consensual model. The querant has read a number of articles in which I have repeatedly emphasized the importance of…

eXperimenting with Eroticatrance Revisited . . . getting started in Erotic Hypnosis for Playful Consenting Adults

Please Go to the Current Revision of This Information Getting Stated in Erotic Trance https://briandavidphillips.net/erospsymagickplus Readers of my blog will note that this post is a revision of an earlier post . . . I am reposting a version with corrected links as the question has come up lately on where to begin and since…

Andrew Salter on Problem Solving

I have just finished reading one of famed hypnotist, psychologist, and behaviorist Andrew Salter‘s papers from The Conditioning Therapies: the Challenge of Psychotherapy (Leo J. Reyna, Andrew Salter & Joseph Walpe, 1964) and he has a beautiful comment that serves almost as an epiphany of sorts: “I mention my interest in ‘problem-solving’ because years ago…

Installing False Memories

We’ve had a number of discussions over the years related to Memory Replacement Therapy and the purposeful use of hypnosis in False Memory Intallation. Recently, on one of the hypnosis discussion groups on Fetlife, the question was raised on using this sort of technique. Now . . . I’ve absolutely no issue with recreational temporary…

Hypnotic Orgasm Technique and Script Mega-Post

Please Go to the Current Revision of This Information Getting Stated in Erotic Trance https://briandavidphillips.net/erospsymagickplus A few folks are having some difficulty with the blog archives as they are still a bit messed up from our original move to a new platform. So, sometimes a post will like to a URL that is giving folks…

Lady Gaga gives herself Mental Orgasms and So Can YOU

Mental Orgasms? Well, Lady Gaga can do it . . . so can you . . . Lady Gaga recently outed herself as one of those few gifted women who can give themselves full blown orgasms just by thinking about them in a special way. Good for her! Regular readers of my blog already know…

What Rapid Hypnosis Induction is Best for Someone Lying on their Back with a Power Exchange Variation?

Well, this is going to be an interesting one with lots of hypnoeducational tidbits via the video links. On fetlife, there was a question in one of the erotic hypnosis groups regarding what is the best hypnosis induction to use with someone who is lying down . . . specifically, for eroticatrance. There are of…

Breathing Orgasms . . . yes indeed

Fasten your seatbelts . . . this is a long post . . . with a whole LOT of video examples.  As Molly Bloom might breathe, “yes I said yes I will Yes” so sit back or recline with Molly and begin breathing your yes and so very much more. B R E A T…

Hands Free No Touch Orgasm and Thinking-Off

Well, we’ve crossed this are before . . . actually I have a whole category related to it (https://briandavidphillips.net/category/hypnosis-erotic-and-sexual), but recently on the Hypnosis Technique Exchange (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypnosisTechniqueExchange), we’ve had an interesting discussion develop related to the Hands Free No Touch Orgasm.  It was brought up by an elderly gentleman who is not able to physically…

Wilhelm Reich is Alive and Well and Living in Our Memes

Synchronicity time . . . last Thursday, we explored Robert Anton Wilson's play "Wilhelm Reich in Hell" in one of the classes I teach at the university.  This is Wilson's dramatic exploration of a conceit of placing Wilhelm Reich on trial within a bardo between this life and next while playing with the nature of…

Orgasms, Energy Orgasms, and More ‘gasms . . .
. . . or, Belief Systems and Effective Modalities

Belief Systems and Effective Modalities . . . or . . . Orgasms, Energy Orgasms, and More 'gasms . . . I received a question from a former hypnosis students via facebook which is worth a bit of a looksee here. "What is the best method to anchor multiple orgasms in females? Is it possible…

Past Life Hypnosis and Tarot?
Lifetrance Patterns Enhanced and Adapted

This question and answer post is a response to an email query I received in regard to my work with Hypnosis (specifically, my work with Past Life Hypnosis, such as my current LIFE TRANCE DVD set that is on pre-release sale through June 15) combined with my work with Tarot. A very well-known Tarot scholar…

Multiple Orgasms? No Problem with Hypnosis

A member of the Hypnosis Technique Exchange (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypnosisTechniqueExchange) asks the question: "how about multiple orgasms for your playmate?" Yes, indeed, how about it?  As regular readers here know, it’s straightforward to set up and can be very beneficial for the parties involved.  You are limited only by your imagination and the consensual relationship you are…

iOUIJA . . .
. . . Turn Your Ipod into a Ouija Board

The folks at crave have been playing with their iPods a bit more than most folks and they’ve decided that playing music or listening to lectures (yes, I use my iPod to listen to recordings of lectures a whole lot more than any music).  They’ve decided they really needed a new way to communicate with…