
SOULSIGHT – 11 Dec 2011 – Free Online Webinar

FREE ONLINE HYPNOSIS WEBINAR SOULSIGHT Seeing Soul Avatars Daemonsight Trancework Trance Based Introspective eXploration 11 December 2011 : Free Online Webinar free online hypnosis webinar in SOULSIGHT Seeing Soul Avatars Trance Based Introspective eXploration Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips 11 December 2011, 10:00amTaipei Time Piercing the veil . . . . . .…

PSYSOUL JOURNEYS – 13 Nov 2011 – Free Online Webinar

FREE ONLINE HYPNOSIS WEBINAR PSYSOUL JOURNEYS Spiritual Psychecstatic Visionary eXperiences Trance Based Introspective Psychedelic eXploration 13 November 2011 : Free Online Webinar free online hypnosis webinar in PSYSOUL JOURNEYS Spiritual Psychecstatic Visionary eXperiences Trance Based Introspective Psychedelic eXploration Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips 13 November 2011, 10:00amTaipei Time Visionary eXplorations . . .…

Fairy Dragon Hypnosis Resources for the Magic Egg Process

Recently on the Hypnosis Technique Exchange (, there has been a query and bit of a discussion about my Magick Egg or Fairy Dragon Hypnosis process. For those with an interest, I have a number of resources that explain the process as well as the background to it . . . some free and some…

Creative Automatisms – 25 August 2011 – Hong Kong

ideomotor experiences C R E A T I V EAUTOMATISMS Automatisms and Freeing Unconscious Expression 25 August 2011 : Hong Kong focused trance hypnosis workshop in CREATIVE AUTOMATISMS introspective energization Automatisms and Freeing Unconscious Expression Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips 25 August 2011, 19:30-22:30New Age Shop, Hong Kong Information: FIRST TIME IN…

Evangelical Orgasms

Faith is a very powerful thing . . . when properly ignited it can lead to incredibly powerful experiences . . . some of them wonderful and some of them the opposite of good times. However, the mystical ecstasy experienced by many can be a very powerful life-changing experience within the appropriate context. It can…

An Experience in Hypnosis and Selling One’s Soul to the Big Ol’ Horned One

In the essay Going Under: An Experiment in Altered States, Christian Carvajal writes a delightful and interesting narrative of an experiment in hypnosis . . . first starting out with what one might think of as religious bear-beating in regard to the belief by some that hypnosis is inherently Satanic . . . which it…

Aleister Crowley 2012

Yes, the folks at Red State Update have accepted a political advert for Aleister Crowley as President of the United States in 2012 . . . if such a bastion of sensible critical thought can accept Crowley’s ad, shouldn’t you vote that way? Or not. BTW, it’s NOT “Do What Thou Wilt” . . .…

Of the Nature of eXperiential Trance Dance 靈動之舞體驗工作坊 and of Whirling, Just Spining Around and Around and Around . . .

What is it? eXperiential Trance Dance 靈動之舞體驗工作坊 May 22-23, Taipei 中文: What with my seminar in eXperiential Trance Dance 靈動之舞體驗工作坊 coming up in May (, for obvious reasons of research and skulking and the like, I've been trolling the interweb waves noticing the amazing variety of material on various types of trance dance,…

靈動之舞體驗工作坊 eXperiential Trance Dance eXperience

eXperiential Trance Dance 靈動之舞體驗工作坊 May 22-23, Taipei 中文: As many of you know, we will be offering an eXperiential Trance Dance eXperience in Taipei coming up on May 22-23. This is the first time this material has been taught in Taiwan by me or anyone else so it's going to be a special…

Furry Fun Hypnosis on the eXperiential Hypnocast

Two episodes in the pipe related to the Shapeshifter process, one audio and one video, at the eXperiential Hypnocast for your listening and viewing and experiential pleasure. The audio is an Animal Spirit Guide process while the video runs through an experiential trance process of becoming the animal. While the processes are very similar, there…


塔羅直覺解讀法 Tarot Intuitive 中文: Open the book of knowledge, of the senses, of the realm of intuitive understanding . . . shuffle, deal, reveal . . . and . . . understand. 日期: 2月27日 講師: Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips 羅狼仁教授時間:10:00 am- 5:00pm (6小時)地點:實踐催眠學會 Society of Experiential Trance費用:NT$2000含午餐報名:電郵 lorraine@briandavidphillips.com傳真: 886-2-24526223授課語言: 英語 (國語口譯)中文: DATES:…

The World’s Greatest Magician Doesn’t Do Tricks

Great magician or cock monkey? You decide . . . The World's Greatest Magician Doesn't Do Tricks — powered by Yep. All the best,Brian (If you are reading this blog post via a stream, go to to access the full post with any videos or photos included.)  HYPNOSIS VIDEO COURSES    Hypnosis Shows, Sessions, Training . .…

Sigil Hypnosis

Sigils are magickal symbols often used as key components in wards, guard spells, curses, or other magickal workings. The Sigil Hypnosis process is one that takes this imaginative concept into the realm of intensified imaginative involvement and the focused experiential mind. This video was recorded during my Speed Hypnosis Techniques course in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,…

Animalian Hypnosis

The roots of the Animalian Hypnosis process are in metaphysical techniques related to shapeshifting and similar shaministic processes. However, here we see it used as one of the techniques demonstrated and explained in my Exotic Hypnosis Inductions DVD set. Obviously, there are other energy sets one could add into the mix other than those of…

Fairy Dragon Variations Redux Revisited

The Fairy Dragon or Magick Egg hypnosis process is one of my favorite original processes.  I really get a kick out of running it with folks, particularly those who've never experienced experiential hypnosis before.  It's a nice way to gauge a person's responsiveness and to delight their sensibilities.  It's become quite an international technique for me…

Fairy Dragon Hypnosis

When I taught my Speed Hypnosis Techniques course in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in March, among the various techniques I demonstrated was one of my favorites . . . the Magick Egg or Fairy Dragon Hypnosis process. This is truly and experiential process and can be extremely delightful. The process itself was inspired by the classic…

Voodoo Hypnosis Redux

We've gone this route before but . . . the clips I posted had some audio problems or other messiness involved . . . so, here we go again with some audio corrections and more voodoo hypnosis goodness. Most folks reading this blog are well aware of the idea of VOODOO, albeit most are also…

PreSalePSYCHIC HYPNOSISMetaphysical Hypnosis Techniques Video-Based Distance EducationHYPNOSIS CERTIFICATION COURSE538 min. (Six DVDs) This DVD set explains and demonstrates a number of psychic hypnosis metaphysical experiential trance processes through which a hypnotist can guide a trance partner into a variety of experiences employing metaphysical constructs or other experiences for therapeutic, introspective, or recreational contexts.  Go to…

Ask Me Questions . . .

As most regular readers of Life of Brian know, I have been super busy of late, releasing a series of new products (currently, the Lifetrance DVD set is on sale as part of the pre-release celebration and we've got a whole slew of more stuff coming on the horizon with Psychic Hypnosis, Phillips Induction, Manifesting…

Robert Anton Wilson explains Quantum Physics

A montage of a few of the various times Robert Anton Wilson had been asked about quantum physics. See the youtube at Wilson is my favorite philosopher.  I re-read his Illuminatus Trilogy (co-written with Robert Shea) as well as a number of his non-fiction works every couple years.  I've written a few academic papers…

This weekend, so contact Lorraine NOW . . .
Engineering Experiential Ecstasy . . .
A Free Experiential Hypnosis Workshop in Emotional Floodgate Techniques

Those of you in my neck of the woods (Taiwan) who are planning on attending the ENGINEERING EXPERIENTIAL ECSTASY Free Hypnosis Workshop this coming Sunday need to make certain you have emailed Lorraine with your contact details so she can get the venue information to you. See the webpage at for more information on…

The Mentalist does Psychophysiological Mind Reading

I spent the better part of Sunday testing out our new HD camera and shooting video for a program on techniques employing ideomotor effect (also one of my topics for the upcoming Global Hypnosis Summit which you really should be signed up for if you haven't signed up already). I did some muscle testing bits…

Dec. 20, 10:00pm, Taipei

SEDUCTION MINDTRICKS情場高手速成班The Comedy Hypnosis Show with an Adult Twist好玩有趣的追求異性催眠法 For show info/reservations performer info 12月20日 地點:Live COMEDY CLUB Taipei (時間:10:00pm地址:台北市泰順街24號B1訂位電話:02-2369373口譯:羅玉蘭 Dec 20: Live COMEDY CLUB Taipei ( Chinese-English Performance10:00pmB1, No.24, Taishun St., (in the Shirda area)Telephone: 02-2369373Interpreter: Lorraine Phillips 什麼是隱藏式催眠? 讓陌生人對你產生好感的竅門在裡? 異性追求術在歐美已形成一種次文化, 有些人像宗教一般沈迷, 不少宅男宅女為了打開社交大門, 不惜花三、五千美元只為跟慕名已久的大師上一堂課, 如果你想知道情場高手靠的是那門子的秘笈功夫, 歡迎你今晚來跟羅教授學習, 有伴沒伴帥不帥美不美都沒關係, 趕快報名。 Casanova, Don Juan, Valentino…