Hypnosis: Entertainment, Stage, and Performance

Stage Fright . . . trancework

Lyn Gardner writes in the Guardian Unlimited that not all right on the night. The piece discusses stage fright and how some actors have overcome it . . . of particular interest is Daryl Hannah’s success with hypnosis in overcoming her own stage anxiety. While the article does not intend to, it over simplifies some…

Redux. Dangerous Hypnosis? . . .
. . . of professional jealousy and stage gimmicks . . .
. . . . . . the mixed bag . . .

More discussion on responsibility, hypnosis performance, and just plain weirdness. My friend’s student went to a Marshall Silver workshop at a Learning Annex in New York. My friend’s student is a very deep trance subject. Marshall held a burning torch to her hand, and then created a full body catalepsy and stood on her for…

Hypnotist . . . multiple markets, multiple identities

There is a hypnotist who has been around doing stage hypnosis since 1984. He does anything from general audience shows to more mature college or private party gigs. It is also interesting to note that he sidelines, creating hypnosis videos for a particular market but his webpages don’t say a thing about them. However, if…

Performance, Entertainment, Stage Hypnosis Workshop

Taipei Hypnosis Study Group in English STAGE HYPNOSIS: Entertaining with Hypnosis May 16, 2004 I will be running a workshop on Entertainment and Performance "Stage" Hypnosis for the Taipei Experimental Hypnosis Workshop on 16 May 2004. We’ll watch some stage hypnotists on video and then talk about their approaches. I’ll go over basic show stuctures…