Hyperempiria, Hyperacuity, and Suggested Amplified Sensory Association

Bookstore Now Online

We’ve added a bookstore to our webpages.  You can go directly there via the pages at http://astore.amazon.com/shakespeareeclec or just click on the bookstore link in the sidebars here or at our main pages at http://www.briandavidphillips.com for convenient access. Not a lot there right now, but we will be adding new products and categories over time…

Linking Hypnotic Responsiveness to Pleasure Responses

One thing about the video I used in this post on hypnosis and extreme pleasure sensations is that it is a nice demonstration on how one can link suggestibility and hypnotic responsiveness to erotic response and is demonstrating how standard stage hypnosis and suggestibility testing can be converted into a consensual couples erotic sensitivity and…

Tarot Trance . . . clarifications . . .

Some more clarification on my post about Tarot Trance. Dr. Phillips, that sounds fascinating . . . but . . . I don’t know all that tarotish mumbojumbo and card meaning stuffs and really am not enough patience to learn them I guess I was not clear enough . . . the Tarot Trance processes…

Tarot Trance . . . synchronicity draws

Cross-posting from TarotL and the Hypnosis Technique Exchange as this may be of interest to folks here as well . . . I’m a big fan of Tarot cards as a tool for introspective meditation rather than divinaroty readings . . . the cards are just so rich in archetyes and other fodder for meaningful…

Tarot and Hypnosis

A post on my free MP3 download of the Through the Gate into Tarot process, the first episode of my hypnocast, came up that the response to which is worth sharing for folks who have the same sort of questions. Brian David Phillips writes: There is a tarot process for meditation posted in mp3 format…

Hyperempiria and Experiential Hypnosis . . .
. . . differences, similarities, and what’s the same

On a few of the email lists I belong to of late, there has been some discussion of the nature of hypnosis and whether or not trance or critical factor bypass are the same or different monkeys. One part of the thread has been regarding hyperempiria which gets discussed quite a bit here on the…

Derren Brown . . .
. . . of tranceplay zombies, trance, and hyperexperiences

On the Hypnosis Technique Exchange email discussion list, I asked a question about Derren Brown that wasn’t really hypnosis related . . . except that he uses trance language as misdirection for his magical effects . . . but, I wanted to know if anyone knew of a site with a good episode guide for…

Multimodal Hyperempiria

More on hyperempiria . . . a process that works well for a wide variety of trancework contexts . . . therapeutic imagery and changework, simple recreational relaxation and imaginary freedom, entertainment, and more. Recently, on the Hypnosis Technique Exchange, Dr. Don Gibbons posted about some very interesting therapeutic and recreational adaptations or processes for…

Unconscious Installation or Installing into the Unconscious?

More on Repatterning, Repetition, Unconscious Installation. At Marknosis, Rex Karz points out that one really should state one’s outcome goal when seeking advice or the advice can’t be as meaningful or useful. Good point, the targeted outcome would make a difference . . . one would think. Rex noes that if an “unconscious installation” is…

welcome to . . .
. . . the WAKING DREAM

With this post, I am creating a couple new categories for Life of Brian . . . the Waking Dreams series of focused trance guided imagery brief sojourns into the imagination.  As regular visitors to my webpages at http://www.briandavidphillips.com know, I love guided imagery.  It is relaxing and quite enjoyable . . . which is…

Installing False Memories . . .
. . . Approaches to Intensified Imaginative Hypnotic Experiences

Responding to a post after my own heart . . . well, parts of it anyway . . . certainly the intention of creating a positive trance-based experience as a context for a recreational intensively imagined experience for entertainment for the Hypnosis Technique Exchange: How easy to install, how convincing, and how long lasting are…

Cyberhypnosis, Cybertrance, Online Hypnosis . . .
. . . possible, impossible, and inbetween

Cross-posting from the Hypnosis Technique Exchange . . . responding to a post from another list . . . I’m curious is it even possiable to hynotize someone from an email Yes. If you go get the Wendi Friesen book Hypnotize Your Lover you will find a chapter on hypnotic love letters written by yours…

Hypnotic Holonovels and Games and Art – Trance-Based Hypnotic Virtual Reality

Discussing a response to his book on using hyperempiria/hypnosis for consensual adult sexual imagery (available here), Dr. Don Gibbons wrote: Voila, mes amis. We have all the mastery we need right now to knock the socks off of Hollywood! We can not only guide our participants through an experience of being Harry Potter jousting on…

Taipei Hypnosis Workshop Meeting . . .
(Improvisational Creative Playfulness and Hypnotic Induction and Imagery)

On 16 January 2005, the Taipei Experimental Hypnosis Workshop will have a meeting. This month’s topic is TRANCEPLAY (Improvisational Creative Playfulness and Hypnotic Induction and Imagery). If you live in these parts and would like to join us, contact me. The Taipei Experimental Hypnosis and Trancework Workshop is the largest English-language hypnosis practice group in…

interested in eXperimenting . . .
Playful Sexual Hypnosis for Consenting Adult Couples

Please Go to the Current Revision of This Information Getting Stated in Erotic Trance https://briandavidphillips.net/erospsymagickplus Readers of Life of Brian will note that this post appears in a new category. We get enough queries about this subject, that I felt a new category would be warranted to keep the archives more topical and easier to…

Hyperacuity and Hyperempiria

Discussing Hyperacuity & Hyperempiria Hyperacuity is the heightened sensitivity of the senses. This is often found in trance subjects and can be increased through the use of suggestion (a few folks have done some really interesting work with blindfolds and hearing or with sight and memory). Hyperempira is a system based on suggestions of enhanced…

Vicarious Experiential Memory Machine

Vicarious Experiential Memory Machine . . . real experiences through Hypnotic Games and Films and Literature and Entertainment . . . and a whole lot more! You want to play a game? How about if you could play a video game or watch a movie or look at a photo album or read a good…

Hypnosis for Increasing Erotic Sensitivity and Response

Please Go to the Current Revision of This Information Getting Stated in Erotic Trance https://briandavidphillips.net/erospsymagickplus This month’s theme at the Hypnosis Technique Exchange for the monthly challenge submissions is Hypnosis for Increasing Erotic Sensitivity and Response. While the original topic proposal was more therapeutic than recreational, judging from the private queries I’ve received, a number…