eXperiential Trance Dance

Surprising Benefits of Hypnotically Induced Ecstatic Trance States

Unlock your creativity and boost productivity with hypnotically induced ecstatic trance states. Discover the science behind these states and their potential benefits, from enhancing problem-solving skills to reducing stress. Learn about the different traditional types of ecstatic states and their modern adaptations, and explore techniques for inducing these states through hypnosis. Don’t miss out on the transformative power of hypnosis to unleash your full potential.

Yanis: Hypnotized – Dancers Hypnotized to Lose Control Video

Intriguing video . . . director Ludovic Zuili captures dancers under the influence of hypnosis for an electro-pop debut from Paris-based producer Yanis. Obviously, I find projects like this particularly fun as I’ve a strong interest in ecstatic trance and ecstatic dance (thus all the videos and sermonations and webinars I’ve done on this sort…

ECSTATIC TRANCE DANCE Webinar Audio Recording and Free Streaming Video

On 14 September 2014, Brian David Phillips conducted an online workshop on ECSTATIC TRANCE DANCE: An Introduction to eXperiential Ecstatic Dance (Surrender to the Ecstatic Divine Within and Beyond) via online webinar chat. The ECSTATIC TRANCE DANCE online webinar session is an introduction to concepts and methods related to ECSTATIC TRANCE DANCE, An Introduction to…

Ecstatic Hand Trance Webinar Audio Recording and Free Streaming Video

On 3 August 2014, Brian David Phillips conducted an online workshop on ECSTATIC HAND TRANCE: Build Your Own Ecstatic Hand Mudra (History, Context, and Improvisational Creation) via online webinar chat. The ECSTATIC HAND TRANCE online webinar session is an introduction to concepts and methods related to ECSTATIC HAND TRANCE, Build Your Own Ecstatic Hand Mudra…

Ecstatic Trance Dance – 14 September 2014 – Free Online Webinar

FREE ONLINE HYPNOSIS WEBINAR ECSTATIC TRANCE DANCE An Introduction to eXperiential Ecstatic Dance Surrender to the Ecstatic Divine Within and Beyond 14 September 2014 : Free Online Webinar free online hypnosis webinar in ECSTATIC TRANCE DANCE An Introduction to eXperiential Ecstatic Dance Surrender to the Ecstatic Divine Within and Beyond Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips…

Ecstatic Hand Trance – 3 August 2014 – Free Online Webinar

FREE ONLINE HYPNOSIS WEBINAR ECSTATIC HAND TRANCE Build Your Own Ecstatic Hand Mudra History, Context, and Improvisational Creation 3 August 2014 : Free Online Webinar free online hypnosis webinar in ECSTATIC HAND TRANCE Build Your Own Ecstatic Hand Mudra History, Context, and Improvisational Creation Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips www.briandavidphillips.com brian@briandavidphillips.com 3 August 2014 ,…

Ideomotor Fun Time Streaming Video & Audio

On 15 June 2013, Brian David Phillips presented on IDEOMOTOR FUN TIME: Automatisms & Beyond (Ideomotor Techniques for Fun, Creativity, Therapy, Introspective Insight, and Beyond) in a live seminar for the HypnoThoughts Live conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (http://hypnothoughtslive.com). The IDEOMOTOR FUN TIME session description from the HTL program is as follows: Be prepared…

Hypnotic Dance Images

Choros from Michael Langan on Vimeo. The movement of a dancer is dichotomous. A physically expressive dance can last for minutes, but its individual movements, poses and positions are ephemeral to the viewer. Videos of dance pose the same problem, and while a photograph can capture a choreography’s fleeting configurations, it usually does so at…

Ecstatic Evangelical Ecstasy

This post is based upon an earlier one but since Todd Bentley is in the news again, this time in a very negative light, it’s worth reposting this again with a bit of a revision. Faith is a very powerful thing . . . when properly ignited it can lead to incredibly powerful experiences .…

Baby Worship and Ecstatic Trance

You may have seen the animated gif above before or even the videos below. The little girl in these images is Ava Grace, her mother Rosie Cafarelli was shooting in-church video for a news story and caught Ava Grace in these worshipful moments. Now, there’s no way to know for certain if little Ava Grace…

AUTOMATIC ART – 27 May 2012 – FREE Workshop in Taipei

FREE HYPNOSIS WORKSHOP AUTOMATICART Automatisms forCreative Expression of the Soul 27 May 2012 : Taipei free focused trance hypnosis workshop in AUTOMATIC ART Automatisms for Creative Expression of the Soul Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips www.briandavidphillips.com brian@briandavidphillips.com 27 May 2012, 14:00-17:00Waking Dreams, Taipei AMAZING OPPORTUNITY A Few Hours of Focused Trance Hypnotic eXperience! Don’t miss…

Water Diviner Trance Dance

From the Pathe Collection: “Girl Water Diviner”, an original 1954 reel from British Pathe. Catherine Bent is a female water diviner whose body is highly sensitive to nature and physical elements. She identifies spots where water and underground streams can be tapped into, using a bizarre zombie-like walk which throws her body around so violently…

Beautiful Haitian Vodou Photographs

Life magazine has a beautiful gallery of photographs of Vodou rituals in process from Haiti . . . see http://www.life.com/gallery/62471/inside-haitian-vodou for the gallery. Warning, some of the images will seem a bit extreme to some folks (animal sacrifice and the like). Regular readers here know I have an intense interest in ritual trance within religious…

Breathing Orgasms . . . yes indeed

Fasten your seatbelts . . . this is a long post . . . with a whole LOT of video examples.  As Molly Bloom might breathe, “yes I said yes I will Yes” so sit back or recline with Molly and begin breathing your yes and so very much more. B R E A T…