Loki’s Testicles Tug-O-War Fun Sort of True Story Time


Welcome to Sort of True Story Fun Time . . . sit back and enjoy a traditional tale of THJAZI, LOKI, SKADI, AN INVISIBLE ROPE, A GOAT, LOKI’S TESTICLES, A VERY STRANGE GAME OF TUG-O-WAR, SOME GOLDEN APPLES, and special guest appearances by Thor, Odin, Idun, Njord, and Many Others. Be sure to let Marvel know that you want this wonderful traditional tale of Loki included in the plot of the upcoming third Thor film . . . or, better yet . . . as part of a standalone spin-off film featuring Loki as played by Tom Hiddleston. Seriously, you know that whole tug of war would make a great scene in a movie.

Please note, I use some colorful language while telling the story. If you’re uncomfortable with the occasionally swear word then give this story a miss . . . you might consider skipping a number of my videos in that case. You’ll miss out on some awesome content but that’s just the chance you have to take when you choose to be a bit of a prude or have a stick stuck up somewhere in the region of your very own special backside.

Just for fun, this storytime video was shot in 3D and can be viewed in 2D or 3D, just choose the appropriate format. If you don’t have a 3D system, then choose 3D Off and you can watch in 2D. IF you have issues with Google Chrome, then use Safari or Firefox. It seems google has not completely corrected issues they have (seriously, it’s weird that Chrome has the most problems of the major browsers since Google owns youtube but that’s exactly what is happening). The video can be viewed in 720p so if you only have the 360 option, check for the HD version in settings.

Be sure to click the subscribe button on Youtube! Don’t forget to send your friends over to http://www.youtube.com/user/briandavidphillips for even more nifty stuff too.

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