BDPXT10 Special Erotic Synthesia Sensation


BDPXT10 Special Erotic Synthesia Sensation (26 min.).

Downloadable eroticatrance audio hypnosis session (Mp3 format) for intimate introspective changework or consensual self-therapeutic purposes.

This experiential trance session is called SPECIAL EROTIC SYNTHESIA SENSATION and in it you will receive suggestions that allow you to imagine as if you can control how you experience erotic sensory data so that you can feel beauty or taste a color or more so that the artificial snythesia allows you to experience erotic pleasure in new ways so that the positive sexual sensations become intensified in very interesting ways.

This session is created and recorded by Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips.

BDPXT10 Special Erotic Synthesia Sensation
BDPXT10 Special Erotic Synthesia Sensation (26 min.). Downloadable audio hypnosis session (Mp3 format). If you would like more information on this product - if you're not already there - click on the link above or the thumbnail to go to the product description page.
Price: $20.00