Hypnoherapy used succesfully in Hospital

The Austrian Independent features news (here) of the use of hypnotherapy at Graz Hospital:

Doctors in a Graz hospital have highlighted the success of using hypnosis to fight smoking, nerves, pain and weight issues over a ten year period.

Medical hypnosis is also used in fighting phobies such as a fear of heights or animals.

It is also successfully practised in giving birth and dentistry and to alleviate tensions and pains. It works by suggestions that are sent directly to the subconscious to calm the patient and show him or her ways to help themselves.

Cardiologist Helmut Brussee from the LKH Graz said: “Medical hypnosis refers to a state of focused attention. A hypnotised person is neither unconscious nor drugged but is in a sleep-like state of trance in which he or she forgets the environment and is focussing their attention on internal processes.”

During a trance heart rate, blood pressure and muscular tension decrease.

He added: “Everybody experiences states of trance in their everyday life, take for example a television trance when people forget the environment and simply watch TV. The kind of trance we are using is therapeutic. It focusses the attention inwardly thus making regions of the subconscious accessible.”

He added that patients mobilise their own forces rather than resort to chemicals in the form of pills.

He said that everybody can in theory be put under hypnosis since it is as natural as the state as sleep, only that the person affected is highly receptive to suggestion. Doctors give patients verbal inputs aimed directly at their subconscious that are implemented after awakening.

If you’re in Taipei and interested in hypnosis, check the services page linked to in the top left sidebar. Not in Taipei? Check the store for recordings in the same menu area as well as links to lots and lots of info and goodies. Of course, browsing this site will bring you to a digital ton of positive resources on a wide variety of topics as well.


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