New Lands music video takes Sports SciFi to the Next Level

I imagine after watching the New Lands music video, there are a whole slew of university kids sitting around bullshitting on how they could play the mashup sport portrayed for real. Well, without the baseball bat to the head or the high tech lazer balls. This looks like a kick ass sport and certainly that one group of college kids who set up an intramural league of their own (likely with whiffle bats and strict rules against contacting other players with said bats and bicycles instead of motorcycles much the way the kids who play full on Quidditch had to adapt their sport) will have done some amazing work.

Seriously, watch this music video with its Snake Plisskin plays football-hockey-rollerball-deathmatch feel and just try to pretend it’s not filled with Awesomeness with a capital Awesome. Do yourself a favor and let the video load and then watch in HD mode at full screen, seriously, that’s the way to go for this one.

Justice ‘New Lands’ from CANADA on Vimeo.

Now, of course, Captain Patch is going to have some real issues playing this game as his depth perception is shot and this game requires fast decision making but he’s got one advantage (other than the adrenaline rush of avenging a slain teammember) and that is that he’s a fictional character. Otherwise he might be screwed.

Watching the game reminds me of a guided imagery activity I used to do with students when I taught game design and that was for them to imagine a randomizer that pulled out three to five games or sports from different genres and somehow these were all merged into something new and special and they could imagine going into the future where their new game or sport was being played and that their unconscious would reveal the results to them and they would see the packaging and the final product rules and gameplay so that they could come back to the here and now and describe what they’d already seen that they had created in the future.

It’s a fun activity and we had some really interesting results (one of the best being a sport based on soccer, rugby, and basketball) and some that were far less than interesting. The exercise itself is a good creativity piece for designers, engineers, architects, and others and I’ve used it and similar activities for professional sessions of a wide variety of contexts.

Either way, this music video is well worth the looksee.

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