Orgasm: the Cure for what Ails Western Women

Nicole Daedone presents a TEDxSF talk on what she characterizes as . . . Orgasm: The Cure for Hunger in the Western Woman. Daedone is a public speaker, author, and educator focusing on the intersection between orgasm, intimacy, and life. She is the founder of OneTaste, evangelizing what she believes to be a new definition of orgasm to women. The practice at the heart of her work is called OM or Orgasmic Meditation. OM combines the tradition of extended orgasm with Nicole’s own interest in Zen Buddhism, mystical Judaism and semantics. Helping to foster a new conversation about orgasm —one that’s real, relevant, and intelligent—she has inspired thousands of students to make OM a part of their everyday lives. Those familiar with other work in this area will note that Daedone’s own approach is derivative of a number of previous approaches with the twist of her own socio-political philosophy:

I would note that while I strongly support the concept of teaching folks how to orgasm and I believe very strongly that Wilhelm Reich was on the right track when he noted that orgasmic release can be incredibly beneficial but that most folks don’t really know how to release and orgasm, truly orgasm.

If you’re interested in learning effective methods . . . for men and for women . . . check out some of the material below.

If you’re in Taipei and interested in hypnosis, check the services page linked to in the top left sidebar. Not in Taipei, check the store for recordings in the same menu area as well as links to lots and lots of info and goodies.


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Price: $45.00
WB07 Breatherotic Webinar Audio Recording
WB07 Breatherotic Webinar Audio Recording download (MP3 format). If you would like more information on this product - if you're not already there - click on the link above or the thumbnail to go to the product description page.
Price: $45.00
WB14 Orgasm Playshop Webinar Audio Recording
WB14 Orgasm Playshop Webinar Audio Recording download (multiple sessions). Downloadable audio webinar session (31:24, Mp3 format). If you would like more information on this product - if you're not already there - click on the link above or the thumbnail to go to the product description page.
Price: $50.00
Price: $35.00
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