Baby Worship and Ecstatic Trance

You may have seen the animated gif above before or even the videos below. The little girl in these images is Ava Grace, her mother Rosie Cafarelli was shooting in-church video for a news story and caught Ava Grace in these worshipful moments.

Now, there’s no way to know for certain if little Ava Grace was indeed having a genuine ecstatic trance experience within the context of worship, toddlers may or may not yet have such experiences. We can see she’s learned sacred trance posture and behavior from her direct experience with a community that uses such methods and it’s likely with repeated exposure and practice she would eventually learn to directly access such ecstatic experiences fully.

Ava Grace Ecstatic Trance

Note her movements are to the music and that could very well be her primary experience here rather than the worshiping context the videos are most often noted for.

Ava Grace Trance Ecstasy

Now, while I am certainly not a member of the particular congregation or denomination that Ava and her mother participate in, I do believe it’s important for folks to develop a spiritual side to themselves and strongly advocate ecstatic trance as a means for connecting within oneself.

Seriously, there are a number of studies that show meditation and focused trance are very beneficial to one’s mental, emotional, and physical health and it’s very clear that those who experience ecstatic states within worship contexts are entering such an altered state of consciousness, a variation of focused experiential trance. Closing your eyes and daydreaming can be worthwhile but you genuinely will receive much more benefit if you enter into an experiential trance state rather than a simple light relaxed state. This does not have to be ecstatic and it certainly does not need to be religious in any way, but learning the processes can be very very beneficial.

This certainly does not mean one genuinely connects to a particular deity, but it does help us to make sense of our own experience. To connect ecstatically is to connect to life and to introspective understanding. Even folks who are agnostic or even those who are atheists can benefit from such methods . . . seriously, even the non-spiritual can use the methods of spiritual focused ecstatic trance for benefit. That’s one of the very premises within my own engineering experiential ecstasy and metaphysical (psychic) hypnosis programs which teach methods that have been used for thousands of years within spiritual contexts in a way that can be adapted to contemporary models with or without the spiritual dressing. If you check those products – listed below – you will find clear explanations and demonstrations.

In my own spiritual practice I use these very same methods as I admire those churches that are able to so fully integrate ecstatic experience and active trance into their worship. I may not share their particular path (my ministerial ordination does not limit me from admiring the value in the path of others) . . . and I may even disagree with the politics and beliefs of many who use these methods . . . but, I certainly see the advantage of the method.

If you’re in Taipei and interested in hypnosis, check the services page linked to in the top left sidebar. Not in Taipei, check the store for recordings in the same menu area as well as links to lots and lots of info and goodies.


DVT25 eXperiential Ecstasy Hypnosis Techniques USB Drive
ExPERIENTIAL ECSTASY . . . Engineering Positive Emotional Flood States . . . Hypnosis Techniques . . . USB Drive with video files in 720X480 resolution. MP4. If you would like more information on this product - if you're not already there - click on the link above or the thumbnail to go to the product description page.
Price: $300.00
DVT24 Psychic Hypnosis Techniques USB Drive
PSYCHIC HYPNOSIS . . . Metaphysical Hypnosis Techniques . . . Specialist Hypnosis Certification Course . . . USB Drive with video files in 720X480 resolution. MP4 . . . If you would like more information on this product - if you're not already there - click on the link above or the thumbnail to go to the product description page.
Price: $400.00
DVT23 Lifetrance Hypnosis Techniques USB Drive
LIFETRANCE . . . Past Life Regression and Other Lifetrance Techniques . . . Specialist Hypnosis Certification Course . . . USB Drive with video files in 720X480 resolution, MP4 . . . If you would like more information on this product - if you're not already there - click on the link above or the thumbnail to go to the product description page.
Price: $150.00
DVT01 Core Skills Hypnosis Course USB Drive
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Price: $350.00
DVT30 Exotic Hypnosis Inductions USB Drive
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Price: $150.00
DVT31 Eroticatrance USB Drive
EROTICATRANCE . . . Erotic Hypnosis Specialist Certification Course . . . USB Drive with video files in 720X480 resolution, MP4 . . . If you would like more information on this product - if you're not already there - click on the link above or the thumbnail to go to the product description page.
Price: $400.00
Very Special SPECIAL Pricing . . . ONLY AVAILABLE DURING SPECIAL EVENTS . . . value package . . . Special SPECIAL EROTIC TRANCE COMPREHENSIVE + Plus Special Summer Edition USB Drive . . . Pleasure-Plus Edition USB Drive . . . very comprehensive erotic hypnosis and ecstatic trance training and very much more video course in 72 mp4 videos on a USB drive. Regular Full Price US$3857, MASSIVE SAVINGS if you ACT NOW. This very comprehensive package is is ONLY available during holiday sale for a very limited time at a very very limited quantity. Seriously, this is the most comprehensive package in erotic hypnosis and ecstatic trance we have ever made available. If you would like more information on this product - if you're not already there - click on the link above or the thumbnail to go to the product description page.
Price: $3,857.00
Price: $1,523.00