Daily Archives: July 17, 2011

Hypnotherapy for Equestrian Fears

The Palm Beach Post has a piece on how Laura King uses hypnosis to help equestrians eliminate their fears. It’s well worth the read so go to http://www.palmbeachpost.com/accent/pets/hypnotherapist-tries-to-help-equestrians-curb-fears-1606343.html. The methods for helping equestrians would be the same as for any athlete or person who is in an occupation with intense performance pressure. I have worked…

Beautiful Haitian Vodou Photographs

Life magazine has a beautiful gallery of photographs of Vodou rituals in process from Haiti . . . see http://www.life.com/gallery/62471/inside-haitian-vodou for the gallery. Warning, some of the images will seem a bit extreme to some folks (animal sacrifice and the like). Regular readers here know I have an intense interest in ritual trance within religious…

Sony launches 3D Photography Award Competition

Sony has announced its plans to launch what it calls the first global 3D awards for video and photography as part of its annual Sony World Photography Awards 2012 competition. Opening 1 July 2011, both competitions will be open to both professional and amateur photographers and videographers. The 3D photography competition has two categories: ‘3D…

Can hypnosis help with Child Birth? YES YES and YES!

See http://www.kwch.com/news/kcpq-can-hypnosis-help-with-childbirth-20110629,0,5669569.story for one news story on how hypnobirthing is gaining popularity. Yes, we do offer fertility and hypnobirthing sessions in our practice in Taipei. See http://www.briandavidphillips.com and contact us to set up an appointment. All the best, Brian http://www.briandavidphillips.com