Of Breasts and Of Hypnosis

In one of the hypnosis groups I belong to on Fetlife, a question came up regarding the use of hypnosis for breast enhancement and someone brought up my work in the discussion. So, here’s my clarification from there, cross-posting here.

Within the discussion, someone posted a question as to why the woman who opened the discussion didn’t just go out and have breast enlargement surgery. While breast enlargement surgery is indeed an option, it is not the best option for many women as it is particularly invasive, the risk for complications is not negligible with some women experiencing extreme pain, disfigurement, and even death (although that is the minority, however, some folks are at more risk than others) . . . also, hypnosis sessions tend to be more affordable than surgery. Likewise, dietary supplements tend to not work as advertised and some can cause damage to liver or kidney function.

I have been doing this sort of work for years and have found that it works best with women who have had a psychological block of some sort regarding breast growth during their formative years (it’s rather frustrating the number of men out there who have given young girls inappropriate attention during puberty, albeit that is not always the cause for such psychological issues regarding maturation). However, many women who have healthy sexual images have also found it helpful. Of course, there are genetic predispositions and other factors involved. In my person experience of working with dozens of women over the years for this particular issue, most have at least some change – typically one to one-and-a-half cup sizes. The greatest gain I have personally witnessed has been three inches and three cup sizes with a particularly motivated young woman of twenty-four years who saw me every other week for two months and listened to my recordings daily and fired off her growth anchors quite often throughout the day. I have also had a number of women work with me or listen to my recordings who saw no significant change.

Typically, most women retain most of the enhancement after ceasing the program. Different studies show typically around 80% retention (that is, most women experience some slight reduction after ceasing treatment but they keep 80% or more of their gain).

I strongly suggest that anyone considering this sort of thing use an approach of enhancement NOT merely enlargement. It is important to use suggestions that are compatible with improved health and body shape . . . some people gain breast size because they have gained weight overall which is usually not th goal. It is important to measure the chest under the breasts, over the nipples, and at the chest above the breasts to track change over time. Keep in mind that within one month, most women experience change in breast size as a natural part of their cycle as well so this is not a quick-fix shazam sort of thing, you need longterm data.

Of course, and I suppose I should have put this at the top of this thing . . . ecology check and esteem issues first. I make it very clear to women who come to me for this sort of thing that they need to first address WHY they wish to do the work. If they are trying to change themselves just because some idjit man wants them to change then it’s not as likely to stick (same with stop smoking, the impetus for change has to come from within). Also, work on self-esteem and body acceptance issues FIRST. If you’ve done that work and the client still wishes to give it a go, then go for it. This is also why I suggest that women who are interested in this sort of work also consult a competent practicing hypnotist who has hypnotherapy training as well.

Earlier in the Fetlife thread, someone mentioned one of my references with a list of studies and case study references can be found at https://briandavidphillips.net/2005/12/05/hypnosis-and-breast-enhancement/ (please note that it’s a few years out of date and starts with Erickson, there were earlier studies but I do not have the precise references for the studies from the 1920s or the Victorian references or Mesmer’s supposed work – for which he was criticized as his mesmeric passes tended to include physical contact and there were complaints of groping).

Full disclosure, while my site does have a number of heads up and references to this sort of work from news sources and elsewhere – see https://briandavidphillips.net/2004/07/16/breast-enhancement-via-hypnosis/ and a more recent post at https://briandavidphillips.net/2011/04/29/hypnobreastenhance/ – I do sell an audio product on this topic.

Sometimes folks confuse this sort of work with penis enlargement products as well but it should be noted that breast tissue and penis tissue are apples and avacado . . . one has been known to respond to emotional changes for some time and the other has no formal data on that front one way or another.

I hope this has been helpful.

Would you like to order our Breast Enhancement Hypnosis Audio CD? Click the “add to cart” button below and then check out in the right sidebar.

CD15 Breast Enhancement Hypnosis
Breast Enhancement Hypnosis Audio CD. Multiple Sessions on Two CDs If you would like more information on this product - if you're not already there - click on the link above or the thumbnail to go to the product description page. Please note. This product is a CD, it is NOT available for download and the product is SEVERELY LIMITED AND NOT AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES. If not available, we recommend you check other vendors such products available from Wendi Friesen or Victoria Gallagher or others.
Price: $75.00
Price: $175.00

Feel free to consult my webpages at Brian David Phillips Waking Dreams for more information on products and services related to this issue. Those in Taipei with an interest in professional services can feel free to contact me for consultation.

BTW, just for fun . . . since this is about breasts . . . here’s a bit of sternomancy https://briandavidphillips.net/2011/05/14/sternomancy/. I wonder if one’s sternomantic fortunes change after breast enhancement.

All the best,
Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH