Hypnosis for Medical Problems

The New York Times has a helpful piece outlining the positive use of hypnosis for medical conditions as using hypnosis to gain more control over illness becomes more and more common within medical practice.

The story signposts the experience of Karen Ritchie who has had multiple surgeries but with her last bout of treatment included hypnotherapy and not only found her stress levels way down, her surgeon is positively surprised to discover she requires fewer drugs during surgery and after.

It is not unusual for those using hypnosis as part of their recovery regimen to require far less time for recover and they tend to heal more reliably.

See http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/16/health/16patient.html for more.

In Taiwan and interested in learning how you can use hypnosis? Contact us! Not in Taiwan but still interested? See our products at http://www.briandavidphillips.com for distance learning or recording options.

All the best,