Daily Archives: March 26, 2011

Meditation and Hypnosis Change Brain Structures . . . in a good way

Peggy Curran writes about one hypnotist and his work involved with helping folks learn to focus and relieve daily stress through trance-based hypnosis and meditation exercises that actually change structures within the brain, or the brain signature, for the better. See http://www.montrealgazette.com/technology/Meditation+hypnosis+change+brain+signature/4480596/story.html for more. All the best, Brian http://www.briandavidphillips.com

She’s Got Elizabeth Taylor Eyes

Most readers are aware that legendary actress Elizabeth Taylor passed away recently. My daughter Kaye will sometimes hear things at school or in the Chinese media that she’s not sure I am aware of so she will share things with me. At school she learned of Taylor’s death and the teacher pointed out that Taylor…