College Freshmen Stress Levels High and Rising

College students are under rising levels of stress, much higher than we’ve seen before. As reported in the NYT:

“The emotional health of college freshmen — who feel buffeted by the recession and stressed by the pressures of high school — has declined to the lowest level since an annual survey of incoming students started collecting data 25 years ago.”

The economy is certainly not helping the situation:

““This fits with what we’re all seeing,” said Brian Van Brunt, director of counseling at Western Kentucky University and president of the American College Counseling Association. “More students are arriving on campus with problems, needing support, and today’s economic factors are putting a lot of extra stress on college students, as they look at their loans and wonder if there will be a career waiting for them on the other side.””

See for more on the survey and the issue.

Of course, guided meditation and hypnosis are excellent resources for teaching students how to deal with stressors in their lives. I have a number of free mp3s on my webpages at for those who would like to give ’em a go.

All the best,