Women fall into Trance during ORGASM

We’ve discussed this study before but it’s certainly worth repeating.

Neurological studies have shown some very clear differences between men and women when it comes to orgasm and sexual response.

One study employing MRI technology to scan brains of men and women during actual physical orgasm found a number of interesting areas active and others passive or shut down during sexual climax and orgasm.

Of particular interest is that women tend to require a degree of surrender to the sensations and a degree of trust in their partners in order to achieve orgasm.

It seems the key to female arousal and surrender to orgasm is more about relaxation and lack of anxiety than about simple genital stimulation.

See http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/article535521.ece for much more on the subject.

Of course, this only confirms what we eroticatrance practitioners have known all along. See http://www.eroticatrance.com for some solid techniques that will help you capitalize on this information. Seriously.

– Brian

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