Aleister Crowley 2012

Yes, the folks at Red State Update have accepted a political advert for Aleister Crowley as President of the United States in 2012 . . . if such a bastion of sensible critical thought can accept Crowley’s ad, shouldn’t you vote that way?

Or not.

BTW, it’s NOT “Do What Thou Wilt” . . . too many folks shorten it and rob the true sentiment of the expression . . . it should be “AND HURT NONE, DO WHAT THOU WILT SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW” which is so much more in keeping with the Golden Rules . . . see, Aleister Crowley isn’t such a bad dude . . . heck, he’s right in there with other great thinkers of the ages . . . Jesus the Christ said “Do unto others what you would have done unto you” . . . which has a similar sensible ring to it and is the active version of what Confucious said “Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want them to do to you” . . . showcasing more good common sense and a fundamental difference in Western and Eastern culture (active versus passive models of social action; we just need someone sensible to marry those modalities and we’ll really be on to something nifty) . . . see, Crowley’s not such a bad guy.

As to Ozzie Osbourne’s pronunciation of Crowley’s name . . . well, it’s a really really cool song so let’s let it go . . . also . . . Crowley himself was once asked how to pronounce his name and he jokingly said “call me Crowley if you think me holy but call me Crowley if you think me fouly” . . . obviously the folks at Red State Update consider The Great Beast to be quite the holilicious personage.

In any case, remember . . .

Or not.

– Brian

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