It will be awhile before everything is in place . . . but . . . folks need to know that I am moving the LIFE OF BRIAN blog to my new digs at https://briandavidphillips.net . . . as you can see MOST of the old posts here are already imported into the new format . . . I have a digital ton and a half of tweaking to do but it will all get done eventually.

Now . . . this means there will be some changes to how we do some things but it will all come with time.

For now, I don’t have the beastie set up to post correctly or exactly the way I want it but we have some advantages with the new system . . . for one, it’s my domain also Lorraine can now post in Chinese for our friends who need that support.

So . . . while we will keep the old archive up for some time . . . we won’t renew it.

For new goodness, you will want to set your feeds or bookmarks to . . .


See you on the flipside!

– Brian