Daily Archives: June 4, 2010

Into the Erotic Nexus eroticatrance room trance this weekend at the Community

eroticatrance room trance This Weekend 6 June 2010 (yes, it's my birthday) Into the Erotic NexusE R O T I C A T R A N C EROOM TRANCEBrian David Phillips6 June 2010, 10:00am, Taipei time http://trancesociety.net/community/m/events/view/Eroticatrance-Nexus-Room-Trance This one's for FUN. So, join us for a bit of erotic fun . . . hypnotically, that is.…

Julian Beever and near-3D Photorealistic Sidewalk Paintings

Daily Cognition has a nicely illustrated piece on Julain Beever and his Amazing 3D Real Life Realistic Paintings at http://www.dailycognition.com/index.php/2008/08/10/most-amazing-3d-real-life-realistic-paintings.html . . . check 'em out.  Beever's the guy who does sidewalk paintings that look real when photographed – very intriguing play with perspective. See more of Beever's work at his official webpages at http://users.skynet.be/J.Beever - seriously amazing stuff. All the…