Who Should We Restore . . . Stephen Baldwin or Joss Whedon?

So . . . Stephen Baldwin needs to be restored just like his model Job . . .

Go to http://www.restorestephenbaldwin.org to support him.

Or . . .

Consider supporting the restoration of Joss Whedon instead . . .

Go to http://www.restorejosswhedonandhissmokinghotasskickingchicks.org to support him.

Now . . . hmmmm . . . which of these folks do you think I might want to support?

The whole Job metaphor really is as weak as they come and the folks who created the original page to support Baldwin miss the point of the tale . . . Job was not miraculously restored of everything . . . his home, business, and family were dead and gone . . . he just got a new family and new children to replace 'em . . . I guess some conservative Christians might consider that OKAY as they might consider children, even those who are troubled teens, to be replaceable . . . I can't imagine Job living the rest of his life as if everything were OKAY after going through that hell . . . certainly, Baldwin's financial difficulties and his charges of outright fraud are nothing to compare to Job's problems.

But . . . then, I kind of like Whedon's kick ass girl heroines in any case.

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [brian@briandavidphillips.com
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard 
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan