Peep Show at Rainbow Rhythms

R A I N B O W     R H Y T H M S
P e e p       S h o w

eXperiential Trance Dance

May 22-23, Taipei

Okay, this is just for fun . . . the program Peep Show had an episode in which the character Mark attends a Rainbow Rhytms session in an effort to get on with a girl . . . obviously, he has missed the spirit of the event.

First . . . the TRANCE DANCE . . . . . . note that the clip is parody and should not be taken as an illustration as to what actually happens in all trance dance workshops, although it's not far off from what I've seen in terms of disastrous attempts at same.

Second . . . the TRANCE DANCE CIRCLE . . . . . . yep.

Obviously, if you would like to see some authentic videos of genuine trance dance, you need to whirl on over to so you can see videos and much more.

Now, while Rainbow Rhythms works within the area of Trance Dance, for obvious reasons, this approach – while it shares some commonalities – is not exactly the same as the approach I take in my own upcoming seminar in eXperiential Trance Dance 靈動之舞體驗工作坊 which is coming up in May (, there are many different approaches to this material, and that's very much okay.

I do look forward to sharing and experiencing eXperiential Trance Dance with many of you coming up in the May 22-23 seminar in eXperiential Trance Dance (please register at early so you can get the bonus gifts I have prepared for you, there are limited sets which are actually valued at a higher price than the small price of the experience, at least for those who act soon).

Do note that, when we work within eXperiential Trance Dance or 靈動之舞體驗工作坊 we are not talking about random conscious movement but in terms of ideally an extension of ideomotor effect and automatism except – as in so many of the processes I use within my hypnosis and metaphysical work such as penulums, ouija, automatic writing, automatic drawing, and other automatisms – we are using the entire system to create the ideomotor or automatismic movement that in turn expresses the unconscious mind and often creates pattens of expression with an energetic FEELINGexperientially feeling the flow of the energy within one at the emotional and physical level rather than as a conscious experience of rationality. When placed in appropriate ritual and context, these processes can lead us to deeper understanding of ourselves and even healing . . . the goal is true trance movement, not simply flailing around but genuine automatism . . . although, there are certainly benefits to flailing around if one chooses to do so . . . however, the goal of our practice is genuine trance and genuine experiential trance dance and the self-discovery, insight, changework, and recreational joy that comes with it.

I look forward to dancing with many of you in May . . . go to and make sure you have your spot reserved now (as well as your Early Bird Goodies).  The Early Bird Bonus Deadline is April 23 so act now as there are only a couple days left go.

All the best,

(If you are reading this blog post via a stream, go to to access the full post with any videos or photos included.)

Hypnosis Shows, Sessions, Training . . . and MORE! 
See for details

Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard 
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan