Daily Archives: April 11, 2010

Into the Mists

A new podcast episode is up . . . this time around on the Experiential Hypnocast we have a guided imagery that asks you to imagine yourself floating through the mists of spacetime into the realm of the universal unconscious where you join with the archetypes to experience various scenes of perfect joy, pleasure, and…

Kundalini Dance

K u n d a l i n i       D a n c e eXperiential Trance Dance 靈動之舞體驗工作坊 May 22-23, Taipei http://www.lovetranceformation.org 中文: http://www.lovetranceformation.org/love.html Here is an absolutely beautiful video presentation by Leyholah Antara of her trance dance variation known as Kundalini Dance (www.kundalini-dance.com): Obviously, if you are reading this post via…