
Tarot Intuitive

中文: http://www.briandavidphillips.com/chinese/c_training.html


Open the book of knowledge, of the senses, of the realm of intuitive understanding . . . shuffle, deal, reveal . . . and . . . understand.

日期: 2月27日 
講師: Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips 羅狼仁教授
時間:10:00 am- 5:00pm (6小時)
地點:實踐催眠學會 Society of Experiential Trance
報名:電郵 lorraine@briandavidphillips.com
傳真: 886-2-24526223
授課語言: 英語 (國語口譯)
中文: http://www.briandavidphillips.com/chinese/c_training.html

DATES: 27 February 2010
LOCATION: Taipei, Taiwan (at the Society of Experiential Trance classrooms)
COURSE HOURS: 10:00-5:00pm, 6 hours
LIMITED SEATING: Positions in the class are limited and filled on the basis of first-come first-served.
LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION: English with Chinese interpretation.
PREREQUISITE: experience not required
REGISTRATION: contact Lorraine Phillips at lorraine@briandavidphillips.com to register.

一般的塔羅牌課程一開始總是教你要記熟每張牌的含義,牌中的物件象徵什麼,以及各種牌陣的擺法,讓不少人一開始便覺得枯燥乏味,望而卻步。羅教授的課程採深入淺出的解讀法,為你揭開塔羅的神秘面紗,教你辨識什麼是塔羅的真實歷史,什麼是穿鑿附會。提供學習者完整深入的塔羅知識基礎,涵蓋歷史、理論和運用方法等介紹,學員除學到塔羅的真正歷史來源外, 還能在短時間內學會簡易有效的解讀法,內容兼顧實用性和趣味性,歡迎初學者和有經驗的玩家參加。

On February 27, Brian David Phillips will be conducting a six-hour workshop on TAROT INTUITIVE in Taipei. This is a comprehensive introduction to Tarot and Tarot Reading in which you will learn background on the Tarot and reading systems used by professionals, including numerological, set-meaning, and intuitive systems.

Take a look behind the curtain to separate the myth from the reality and understand the inner workings of Tarot. Welcome to an introductory course in Tarot reading. This is a practical course in the method of Tarot with a hands-on approach. Students will learn various models and techniques for reading Tarot and receive practical experience in each.

You will learn about approaches to Tarot with an emphasis on an effective professional reading method based upon numerological correspondence which is both easy to learn and powerfully effective. You will learn a professional approach to reading Tarot that is fast, efficient, effective, and extremely meaningful at a personal level so that even those who are unfamiliar with the cards will learn how to read them quickly and effectively with this system used by many professional readers today. Alternative approaches to reading the cards will also be discussed. You will learn a number of "spreads" or structures to lay out the cards for various kinds of readings.

Anyone is welcome, regardless of levels of previous experience.

This is a hands-on workshop. Brian David Phillips (Master Hypnotist and Tarotist) will demonstrate the processes and then participants will practice with one another so come prepared to learn by doing.

Previous knowledge of Tarot or intuitive reading is not required.


Within the TAROT INTUITIVE workshop, we will explore a number of experiential Tarot reading techniques, including insights that Brian David Phillips has previously taught and a number of new variations more recently developed that have never before been presented publicly.

中文: http://www.briandavidphillips.com/chinese/c_training.html



Tarot Intuitive