Daily Archives: October 5, 2009

Richard Payne and Timecapsule of Hypnosis Performance

RICHARD PAYNE was the Derren Brown and Paul McKenna of his day and here is a wonderful archive video from British Pathe that shows him performing a hypnosis demonstration in 1949 complete with invisible bicycles and persons transformed into cats crawling about on the floor . . . http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=47986 . . . what a wonderful timecapsule into…

Sony develops Single-Lens 3D Camera for Filmmaking

Sony has announced the development of a single-lens camera system for high frame rate filmmaking that captures both the right and left image of even high speed subjects via a single lens . . . http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/News/Press/200910/09-117E/index.html . . . obviously, this is going to have an impact upon 3D filmmaking. All the best,Brian (If you are reading…