人類圖 HUMAN DESIGN Seminar

Know yourself and Others
人類圖:了解自己 了解他人
Dr. Deepak

上午10:00 – 下午6:00 週六 & 週日
Oct 17-18, 2009
10am – 6pm Saturday & Sunday
台 北
Fresh In Taiwan

什麼是人類圖?人類圖 是張地圖、藍圖、圖表,說明了你是誰,你今生來到地球上應當怎麼活你的生命。它顯示出你意識層面的真實自己True Self 和潛意識層面的真實自己True Self。人類圖 是套新體系,以新的方式,包含物理學和基因學等現代科學,結合了猶太卡巴拉Kaballah、印度脈輪Chakras、西洋星象學Astrology和中國易經。

WHAT IS HUMAN DESIGN?  Human Design is a map, a blueprint for who you are and what you are supposed to do with your life here on Earth. It is a map of your True Self at both the conscious and unconscious levels. Human Design is a new system that combines the ancient systems of Kaballah, Chakras, Astrology, and I’Ching in a new way that includes modern sciences of physics and genetics.


It is a group for personal transformation and growth.

receive a personal chart of your Human Design that is unique to you

知道和了解你的類型Type(有五種類型),那是你的真實自己True Self。
know and understand your Type (there are five) that is your True Self

know your own personal Strategy to meet with least resistance in the world

知道你的內在權威Inner Authority,告訴你每次做決定,如何對你而言是正確的最好決定。內在
權威Inner Authority告訴你如何知道你自己的真實。
know your Inner Authority (there are 11) that will tell you how to make the best decisions that are correct for you. It tells you the way to know your own truth.

know the primary pain and suffering you will feel if you live your Not-Self

know your Profile that will tell you what role you are to play in this life

know which Chakras are activated and which energies are fixed and reliable. You will know which parts of you are True and cannot be changed. You will know which parts of you are false, unreliable, and the result of conditioning from others

know which Hexagrams from the I’Ching are activated in your personal map

知道你的輪迴十字Incarnation Cross,你此生的目的是什麼。
know your Incarnation Cross and the purpose for which you have been born

Receive a small book describing those parts of you that are activated in your chart.

Dr. Deepak笛帕教授是心理學和資優教育教授(美國),前美國路易士安那州心理學會會長。由他經手或督導的智商測驗和人格測驗超過5,000人以上。他是正式有照的人類圖諮商分析師和人類圖LYD導引,有照心理師, NLP神經語言程式專業級和訓練師,受過Rogerian諮商訓練,生物回饋訓練,Erickson催眠訓練,行為增強訓練和認知行為心理治療訓練,也曾遴選為美國臨床催眠學會道德委員。在印度生活將近15年,擔任奧修多元大學的專任星象師多年,也是催眠、靜心和星象學團體帶領者。他旅遊世界上15個國家以上,在各國為5000位以上的靈性求道者做過星象個案和治療個案。

About Dr. Deepak A Past-President of the Louisiana Psychological Association (USA) and Professor of Psychology and Gifted Education (retired), Dr. Deepak has given or supervised IQ tests and personality tests or therapy sessions over 5000 individuals. He is a certified Human Design Analyst and LYD Guide. He is also a Master Practitioner and Trainer in NLP and was on the Ethics Committee of the American Association of Clinical Hypnosis. He has lived most of the last 15 years in India and was the Ashram Astrologer at Osho Multiversity where people came from all over the world. He was also a Group Leader in Hypnosis, Meditation and Astrology.  He has given over 5000 sessions to spiritual seekers in over 15 countries in the world.


連絡:張明瑩  veetnisha@gmail.com 或手機 +62 – 817 357 532 (9月24日之前) 或 0912 084 608 (9月24日以後)



詳細資訊: http://www.AstroNLP.com

Please Make Reservation by Oct. 14th: We need your birth data ahead of group to make your chart.
Contact: Ming-Yng at veetnisha@gmail.com or call her at +62 – 817 357 532 (before Sep 24th) or 0912 084 608 (after Sep 24th)
Where: Taipei (Specific place to be announced)
Contribution: TWD 8,500.  TWD 7,500 if you pay by Oct 6th.

詳細資訊: http://www.AstroNLP.com