Daily Archives: May 13, 2009

To Geek or Not to Geek . . . of faux geekiness

Wil Wheaton (http://wilwheaton.typepad.com/wwdnbackup) has some interesting things to say about the recent Geek Advancement rants hitting the blogosphere and his feelings about being used in the video. A bunch of geek-celebrities appear in the video for the Society for Geek Advancement (http://geekadvancement.com), a charity PR thing.  What they didn't know was that they would be…

The Three Song

THE THREE SONG by Mason Williams (http://www.masonwilliams-online.com) is a song in which three people each sing three songs but the three songs they each sing build into the other songs – essentially it's one song that's nine songs but built upon combination of three songs into one song.  I suppose one could call it a…