Daily Archives: April 20, 2008

Stop Smoking, no way . . . okay I’ll do the fast one but only so you can see what it might be like as I am not so sure I should even bother helping you yet as you really might not want me to and oh wouldn’t that be silly . . . therapy

Laura Marsden provides a delightful account of her visit to see hypnotherapist Steve Williams – Hip Hip No Therapy – with a very nice recounting of his approach to helping her stop smoking. Hypnotherapy. Does it work? Not if you’re blind drunk, psychotic or have the mental age of a seven year old. That’s according…

Self-Hypnosis Surgery!

Hypnosis is in the news as Alex Lenkei enters his second major surgery using only self-hypnosis with no chemical anaesthesia.  See here for the latest surgery story which involved taking a sliver of bone from the base of his thumb and fusing the joint. All the best,Brian Sign Up NOW!TAROT TRANCETaipei, Taiwan (25 May 2008)METAPHYSICAL…