Fairy Dragon Experiential Trance . . .
. . . The Magick Egg

A recent query via email . . .

Brian, could you explain that Fairie Dragon thing you did at the wrokshop?

That would be the Fairy Dragon Experiential Trance (Magick Egg) process.  I love that process.  I also received some wonderful comments about it both at Hypnoticon and at the Walkabout.

The process itself was the result of spur of the moment on the fly playfulness.  I made that up years ago just in the moment as I was running a playful session and had some time left and had been reading "The Magic Egg" by Frank Stockton, the Nineteenth Century author.  The hypnotist in that story mesmerizes the entire audience and has then watch experientially as he has them believe he has a phoenix egg which hatches.  Well, I’m not so big on phoenixes but love fairy dragons and so I ran with the concept and improvised the first fairy dragon session (folks who have taken my courses know that I absolutely LOVE to play with things and improvise new processes on the fly – using the underlying hypnotic operators/elements/components/juju to leverage response, intensify imaginative involvement, and apply sensory enhancement (yes, the folks who attend the upcoming Experiential Hypnosis and the Metaphysical Hypnosis courses in July will be doing the same thing, and more – see http://www.walkabouttrance.com for details and contact Richard Clark soon if you want to take advantage of the deep discount program which won’t stay on the table long).  The process idea worked beautifully so I kept at it and played with it and tweaked it.

For more explanation, there is a video of me explaining and then demonstrating the process at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6371037115055193199 (although the handheld quality during the explanation does get in the way for a bit):

The manual that I provide for my Walkabout Trance course and the Speed Hypnosis courses have copies of a transcript of that hypnocast.

It’s a nice little piece and I get emails from folks from all over the planet who use it in their hypnotherapy sessions as well those who use it for recreation or entertainment (the last show I performed in Taipei included that bit).  The girl I ran the process with on the very first run emailed me years later that she still occassionally lets her dragon out to play with it.

In addition to a number of other experiential processes as well as solid hypnotic skillsets, an updated version of the process within a sensory-enhanced context is included in the Experiential Hypnosis course coming July 14-18 in Los Angeles – see http://www.walkabouttrance.com/ for more information and signup now if you want to take advantage of the discount pricing (the Deep Discount of this course and the Metaphysical weekend at major pricing advantage will not be available for much longer).


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. . . The Magick Egg