The MySpacing of Flickr

Acclaimed author Viloet Blue (blog) is in an ongoing dispute with flickr as they keep censoring her photos . . . no, I don’t mean those photos, I mean relatively tame or at least non-explicit photos. Read The MySpacing of Flickr, Or: Revenge of the Spawn of Web 0.0, The Sucker Punch by Thomas Roche to get one take on it. It seems the only reason Flickr is targeting her photostream is because of her status as an author on sexuality issues. Far more explicit material is routinely let through. The “community” standards adopted by many online communities are those of the most conservative denominator rather than actual user preferences (the group that complains the loudest gets to run the cookie counter and there are certain types of folks who certainly complain about Violet and her ilk, if she has an ilk, that is).