Smoking: A taxing habit

As of July 1, the taxes for cigarettes in Tennessee so smokers in that state are finding Smoking: A Taxing Habit indeed, to the point that many are now seeking workable alternatives to help them kick the habit. Anyone who has even glanced at this blog knows that hypnosis is one of the more effective methods to stop smoking. In Knoxville, hypnotists are finding that as many as half their clients are there to stop smoking. Yes, it works. However, you really have to actually want to give up the habit – don’t go in because a spouse says you have to but because you want to kick the habit and your chances of success go way up. Yes, I do hypnosis work with folks to stop smoking and other types of hypnosis. See my webpages at and then contact me to set up an appointment if you’re in the Taipei area.

All the best,