In the News . . .
. . . Breasts and Hypnosis

Recently, television news in Taiwan has been reporting about the use of hypnosis to increase breast size. Some of the reports are sensationalist and others less so. I’ve received a few messages asking me if it’s true . . .

Yes. As readers of this blog know, I have done this sort of work and have even piloted a study on the subject. Most studies bear out that hypnosis is effective fo breast enhancement for many women (certain types of women will experience the greatest effects while some are not as suitable – however, most studies show a marked change in breast mass, shape, and firmness for most women who take part).

Actually, deep trance hypnosis is not even required for many women as simple guided imagery seems to suffice. I do work with women for this but I prefer not to concentrate merely on breast size as there are other factors invovled – self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence, body image, and more.

The program I have developed is one of "breast enhancement" rather than simple enlargment so the work does not merely concentrate on size (although that is a factor) but also on shape and firmness). Chief to the program is the Self as women need to decide why they want enhancement to their figure. If it is merely because of an outside force or for negative reasons then I would suggest another course. Women who really wish the enhancement for themselves for positive changework reasons tend to do better than those who are only doing it because of outside pressures.

In any case, for those wishing to read more on the subject as well as references to studies or programs, here are a couple of my more indepth former posts on the subject . . .

Yes, it does work.

No, there are no side effects.

The folks who use hormones or pills or the like tend to gain body mass (general body fat) while hypnosis need not have that side effect (specific suggestions should be given to minimize this). The drug approaches tend to lead to liver and kidney damage while hypnosis does not have such dangers. Surgery for breast augmentation is the fastest way to increase breast size but there are obvious dangers (scarring, pain, swelling) and NO ONE has ever died from hypnosis while every year women die as a result from complications related to breast augementation surgery while othere end up disfigured (granted, the procedure is much safer today than it was forty years ago but the dangers are still there and deaths as well as nonlethal negative effects continue).

The best hypnosis-based breast enhancement program is a series of live in-person hypnosis sessions with a competent hypnotist experienced in this area of work with supplemental listening to an audio program. I use a base setup of this type. Feel free to check out my webpages at for information on scheduling sessions or purchasing a CD program.

All the best,

Friday the Thirteenth
Comedy HYPNOSIS Show
The Living Room, Taipei – April 13,2007
Hypnosis Shows, Sessions, Training . . . and MORE!
See for details!

Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []Certified Hypnotherapist
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan