Daily Archives: March 2, 2007

Most Support U.S. Guarantee of Health Care

This is promising . . . Most Support U.S. Guarantee of Health Care . . . what is particularly promising is that Republicans have begun coopting the issue for themselves by pushing through generous universal-ish healthcare programs at the state level. While this makes the Democrats look slow . . . it also means that…

Walter Reed . . .

Not really all that surprised by this story . . . General Is Fired Over Conditions at Walter Reed . . . conditions have been getting worse and brass have known this . . . only after negative publicity was anything done, and so far that has been cosmetic. Note, there are a lot of…

Interview With Tobie Openshaw

There’s a nice piece of an Interview With Tobie Openshaw on the real taiwan about his Betelnut Girls Photo Exhibition (see more on his flickr – far better than my gallery on the subject, of course unlike most betelnut beauty photographers, Tobie actually talks to the girls and develops genuine personal relationships that enhance his…