Bread and Butter Hypnosis Techniques
. . . March 31 to April 1, 2007


A Seminar in Bread and Butter Processes for the Hypnotherapist

DATE: March 31 to April 1, 2007 (two days – twelve hours)
INSTRUCTOR: Brian David Phillips (with Lorraine Phillips)
COURSE FEE: NT$13,000 (NT$10,000 Early Bird price for those who register before February 28)
LANGUAGE: English instruction with Chinese interpretation
VENUE: TBA (to attendees only), Taipei, Taiwan
CORRESPONDENCE: Lorraine Phillips (yuklan.law@msa.hinet.net), English or Chinese.
INFORMATION: http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com

March 31 to April 1, 2007 . . . HYPNOTIC ALTERNATIVES (A Seminar in Bread and Butter Processes for the Hypnotherapist), Taipei, (twelve hours), Brian David Phillips Waking Dreams Hypnosis.

Some issues are so common in the world of hypnotherapy, core issues that often drive a practice, that they are sometimes called the Bread and Butter of hypnotherapy. This advanced seminar takes a close look at these core issues and how professional hypnotherapists can improve their effectiveness with these and other issues. We will discuss alternatives, strategies, techniques, and processes specifically aimed at clients seeking hypnotic intervention for:

  • Stop Smoking
  • Weight Loss
  • Stress Relief
  • Phobia Release
  • Performance Enhancement (such as Golf and more)
  • Exam Anxiety
  • Study Skills Improvement
  • . . . and more

In the hypnotherapy business, there are certain issues that come up often enough among clients that hypnotherapists consider them to be the Bread and Butter issues, knowing how to deal effectively with these issues often creates potential to build a practice. This seminar covers these core common issues and demonstrates at least three techniques that hypnotists have found useful in helping clients deal with each of them. The seminar is open to experienced hypnotists only, it is not a basic course. This is a very intensive advanced skills seminar so only those with previous experience or who have taken at least an introductory course need apply. You will learn how to adapt your session to the client and how to seamlessly transition from one powerful process to another, adjusting to your client’s needs and response.

The core Bread and Butter issues to be discussed and learned are some of the most common and backbone issues that working hypnotists deal with: Stop Smoking, Weight Loss, Stress Relief, Phobia Release, Performance Enhancement (such as Golf and more), Exam Anxiety, and Study Skills Improvement.

Within a context of advanced discussion with working strategy input and interactive dialog throughout, the course is divided into four main parts:

  1. Experiential Hypnosis Basics: What is “experiential” hypnosis and how to reliably guide trance partners into the state as well as specific processes that engender success in sessions.
  2. Core Processes: Hypnotic processes that become extremely powerful when applied within an Experiential Hypnosis context. These include review of processes some participants may have previously learned about but which are presented with variations specifically adapted to the experiential trance session as well as entirely new processes.
  3. Advanced Process Systems: Developing systems, based upon universal approaches that are highly adaptive to multiple situations.
  4. Strategies for Specific Contexts: The bulk of the course will be discussion, explanation, and demonstration of strategies and techniques – both generalized applications and particular methods for the specific issues: . Stop Smoking, Weight Loss, Stress Relief, Phobia Release, Performance Enhancement (such as Golf and more), Exam Anxiety, and Study Skills Improvement.
  5. Developing Original Strategies and Techniques: Based upon solid theoretical constructs and practical experience, participants will begin developing their own original processes and techniques for approaching the core issues as well as others.

Note, the intended learning processes will be based upon intensive discussion, a seminar style round table approach to the material. Specific skills will be demonstrated, explained, and practiced by those in attendance. For much of the material, you will learn through discussion in a synergistic fashion for tips and tricks of the trade when dealing with clients as well as by doing, so come prepared to actually participate in lively discussion and to practice these powerful techniques. Some advanced techniques may be demonstrated but not taught while others will be outlined but may not be demonstrated at this time. This is an accelerated program so basic skill sets are presumed. Some of the seminar material is intended for advanced discussion while processes are to be demonstrated, explained, and then practiced. The actual seminar presentation is tailored to the needs of the participants. This seminar covers a number of very powerful trance processes specifically designed to be used in multiple contexts. In addition to universal processes, students will also learn specific strategies and unique processes intended for each of the core issues.

The seminar covers:

  • Introduction
  • Core Issues: The Bread and Butter of Hypnotherapy: Stop Smoking, Weight Loss, Stress Relief, Phobia Release, Performance Enhancement (such as Golf), Exam Anxiety, and Study Skills Improvement.
  • What is Hypnosis? Separating Fantasy from Fact
  • Definition of Experiential Hypnosis
  • Adaptive Hypnotic Processes
  • Experiential Hypnosis Induction: Phillips-Elman Hypnosis Induction
  • Deepening Experiential Hypnosis: Dial Deepener, Esdaile State Process, Hypnosleep
  • Experiential Hypnosis Processes: Suggested Amnesia, Happy Finger, Magick Egg, Name Amnesia to Name Confidence Switch, Suggested Synthesia Color Reinforcement, Hypnotic Amulet
  • PART TWO: CORE PROCESSES (Intensive Accelerated Review)
  • Stand Alone Universal Processes Adapted to Experiential Hypnosis: Metaphoric Experiential Guided Imagery, Suggestive Therapy, Multiple Compounding, Triggers and Anchors, Swish, Sigils, Change Hands Resolution Process, Six Step Reframe, Parts Therapy, Fast Phobia Cure, Regression Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Emotional Replacement Variations, Kinesthetic Submodality Shifting, Higher Self Process, Accelerated Adaptive Core Transformation
  • Universal Process Systems: Building a System, Diagramming a Typical Session, Hypnoanalysis System (Phillips Variation, aka Regression-Parts-Gestalt-Forgiveness-Higherself), Other Formal Systems, Creating Your Own System
  • PART FOUR: STRATEGIES AND PROCESSES FOR CORE ISSUES (The Bread and Butter of Hypnotherapy)
  • Strategies for Specific Context: Stop Smoking
  • Strategies for Specific Context: Weight Loss
  • Strategies for Specific Context: Stress Relief
  • Strategies for Specific Context: Phobia Release
  • Strategies for Specific Context: Performance Enhancement
  • Strategies for Specific Context: Exam Anxiety
  • Strategies for Specific Context: Study Skills Improvement
  • Creative Process-Making: Understanding Metauberpatterns and How to Create Your Own Changework Processes
  • Other Processes: Waking Trance, Spontaneous Adaptive Trancework
  • Discussion for Further Development
  • . . . and More

See http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com for further details.

All the best,

Sign Up Now!
HYPNOTIC ALTERNATIVES – March 31-April 1, 2007
And MORE! See "training" at http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com for details!

Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [phillips@nccu.edu.tw]Certified Hypnotherapist
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan