
J. Karlin shares his view on what he believes to be the co-opting of Tarot by radical feminism in Cartofeminism. I honestly think he’s reading too much into some of the statements or pulling them a bit too far out of context. The remarks by Mary K. Greer that are being placed as proor of a feminst conspiracy to remove men from Tarot are an example in point. She was speaking to a particular deck and to a particular artist and in no way were her views being purported to stand for a removal of all men or even Crowley’s influence. I do agree with Karlin that radical feminism does overstep bounds in many ways in the some women to indeed see all men as the enemy . . . however, the case he makes regarding a so-called cartofeminist removal of men from all power within Tarot just doesn’t resonate with me in terms of my view of the way things are. In Greer’s case, I consider her to be very well educated and thoughtful. She’s a sweet lady who may disagree with a man here or a woman there but in no way does any particular view on her part represent a conspiracy. I’ve not known her to fall into paranoid diatribes or personal attacks either. She is, as I said, a very sweet person. However, Karlin’s piece is interesting just to marvel at how he pieces together what appear to be isolated comments removed from the discussion context in order to build what to him is a solid block of evidence but what appears to me to be a solid wall of amorphous conjecture with a very strong touch of dressing statements that are opinion to appear as fact when they are not. It’s a fun read, albeit not for the reasons the author may have originally intended. Tarot is Tarot, it is neutral to gender. Whether or not men or women use intuition or logic with the decks is irrelevant. There is no conspiracy . . . there may indeed be cliques or pockets of individuals or groups that share similar values or interpretations but that hardly qualifies as a cartofeminist or cartochauvinist conspiracy. I certainly use the cards in ways that go against what some folks believe and I’ve come across folks with ideas I consider to be as scatterbrained as they come . . . however, my views, like anyone’s, are individual. The cartofeminist proposition is intriguing but at this point I remain unconvinced. Far from it.