Hypnosis Videos . . .
. . . new category for the mix

We’ve added a new category to the Life of Brian mix . . . look to the category in the permalink for this post as well as in the category listing in the lefthand sidebar and in the professional resources list at the top of the righthand sidebar . . . and you will see . . . Hypnosis Videos . . . I’ve been posting video links and clips for some time but as recently I’ve decided to do a lot video related bits here, I thought it was high time we created a category for ’em . . . hypnosis, trance, meditation, guided imagery, neurolinguistic programming, influence, seduction, and more . . . they’ll all fall within the general category just for convenience.

The videos will either be by others with comments or by me:

You can also see more of my videos in the videos section of my webpages at http://www.briandavidphillips.com. If you want to learn the skills, then take my workshops and seminars (go to the training section of my webpages for more information on how to register.

All the best,