the Big O . . . of Orgasms and anchors and triggers and whatnot . .

Recently . . . well, not just recently, but also recently, it gets brought up quite a bit . . . one the Hypnosis Technique Exchange., the question has come up as to using what is the best way to hypnotically anchor an orgasm? The questioner states that:

It’s such a tricky thing–if you’re giving them one, it’s hard to set the anchor, and if you’re tryinbg to set one in someone you havent given one, you only get a vague shadow, unless you put em pretty deep. Anyone had any effective experiences?

My response to him . . . with the intention of evesdroppers, so to speak . . . I’m going to disagree with you . . . it is not a tricky thing. You might consider not doing it specifically as an NLPish waking suggestion anchor set but instead just do it as a trigger-response conditioning set with overt hypnosis (which you are implying anyway with the "put ’em pretty deep" statement).

What exactly are you doing and in wha ways has it been difficult? When you say you have difficulty setting orgasm anchors (I prefer triggers, myself), how do you go about it, in what context, with what sort of partner(s), with what trance processes, and what specific results are you getting? Give more details and perhaps folks can be more specific with suggestions for helping you improve the experience for yourself and your consenting adult partners.

If you’re using hypnosis, then you should be able to get somnambulism or thereabouts each time . . . with or without eyes open or with or without formal trance induction.

Go through the message archives for hypno-sex or the hypnosis technique exchange, and look for orgasm . . . particularly material by the late Rick Brown whose "ABCs of Suggested Orgasm" . . . before his untimely death, Rick would use that very same thirty second waking suggestion script at lifestyle conventions teaching women to orgasm powerfully through an A, B, and C count. He had an "orgasm chair" that was rather popular. Rick literally wrote the book on orgasms ("Contunuus Orgasms" which I wrote the introduction for, Rick was a dear friend who is still very much missed). You will also find a number of posts by myself and others in the archives which discuss this and similar topics.

As long as you have consent (remember . . .always . . . SAFE, SANE, and CONSENSUAL . . . they’re not about implied experience but about overt and real contexts), then it is very easy to suggest orgasm responses using suggestion and to set anything from a magick button (see my processes for the same) to a key word or look that sets the person off (do be sure to give a "safe" suggestion that whatever you set does not cause mind exploding orgasms when the person is driving or operating heavy machinery or doing anything for which such an experience might cause discomfort, pain, or be life threatening in anyway).

BTW, you might want to consider setting up consensual arousal triggers in addition to or instead of orgasms. While it is "interesting" to have an unexpected fullblown mindnumbing orgasms out of the blue from a neutral state, it is much more enjoyable to have desire and building arousal first to accompany climax . . . the finish of the race is only a second so building to it in context can make it so much more pleasurable.

If you don’t know how to get deep trance reliably every time, then the hypnosis technique exchange is full of information on this applied to any context, including erotic activity and I have a ton of essays on the subject on my blog (the upper right side column has the fast links to the various hypnosis categories . . . you will find the Erotic/Sexual, Experiential, and Hyperempiria/Hyper-Acuity, and Experiential Trance categories to be most useful for your purposes).

One simple technique that works for a lot of people, women as orgasm responder more than men due to refraction and the like, is that as the person is entering orgasm and then climax, look directly into her eyes and connect during the orgasm (some are unable to do so during climax) and touch the trigger spot and simply say "orgasm" or words to that effect which fit the relationship and the person’s acceptability for language and the like (I don’t think anyone ever calls an orgasm an orgasm during sex, they’ll say things like "I’m . . . cumming, spending, there" or "aiyou" or "uhhhhnnnh" . . . or, as many Chinese will say . . . "I’m dying" as in the petite morte of the French . . . but never orgasm . . . then as the climax begins to reside, eyes locked and fire the kinesthetic trigger while giving the voice suggestion "orgasm" or whatever . . . "again" . . . and do that three or four times while the multiple orgasm rolls over ’em.

Recent brain imaging studies have shown that certain parts of a woman’s brain shut down during orgasm (see recent posts on the subject at Life of Brian . . . that is, women naturally enter trance during orgasm . . . so, setting up orgasm and arousal triggers is a piece of cake with women because they’re already in trance as a physiological part of the process or orgasm in and of itself. Women often find it easy to associate emotional and physiological responses . . . so it’s not really a difficult thing to extend it within a healthy, happy, consenting relationship.

I hope this has been helpful.

I was recently asked if I have a sample script for this sort of stuff.

Actually, this essay describes one specific technique. I also mentioned Rick Brown’s very useful script which is posted in the technique exchange’s archives. The magick buttons reference is to a few pieces I have contributed in the past as well . . . nipple buttons, nipple hypnosis, magick buttons, and penis induction.

You . . . and anyone else interested in this particular application of trance within the context of adult consenting relationships . . . consenting, consenting, consenting . . . can very easily find more than enough material . . . scripts and technique discussions . . . by going to the group’s archives at and doing a search for the keywords "erotic hypnosis" or even just plain ol’ "orgasm" . . . much more than any human should need to get started. Do keep in mind that some processes or script wordings are less appropriate for everyone . . . never use an imagery or vocabulary set that would make your partner uncomfortable, if in doubt, explicity ask and then only go with sets for which your partner has enthusiastic interest.

You can also find a plethora of scripts and links to specific useful posts and essays in a few of my older posts on the subject:

"Interested in experimenting . . . sexual hypnosis play for couples" . . . Lists a number of my essays on the subject, mostly archived in the hypnosis section of my blog. Mostly theory and application discussion.

"Hypnosis for Increasing Erotic Sensitivity and Response" . . . A general introduction to the subject with links to specific scripts for erotic hypnosis, including sensitivity and response suggestions as well as orgasm response conditioning. Scripts listed include a number by myself as well as some of the better pieces contributed by other members of the list. There is a LOT of material referenced here but it is certainly not comprehensive nor is it up to date as the post was made over a year ago.

Both of these referenced posts to the technique exchange are excellent starting points and they both have a list of good books folks can get on the subject.

Speaking of books, Dr. Eugene D. Alexander has placed a copy of his "Hypersex" book for using hyperempiric inductions and imagery sets for consenting adults in the files section of the group – just go to the Hypnosis Technique Exchange Files and download away. If you do download his book, please send him your comments and feedback as he is editing a new edition, do let him know how useful the techniques are for you and how you have put them into application in a positive way.

In any case, that is certainly more than enough to get folks started . . . there’s more than two or three books worth of material right there free for the downloading . . . I’ve been getting some queries of late about "my book" which is still in draft stage, I’ll let you know when it’s out but for now, the stuff I’ve got out there for free is more than enough for most folks (although, please do let me know when you find any of my material helpful as it’s nice to know it’s appreciated . . . do the same with anyone else whose material you find helpful or insightful . . . as feedback, especially positive feedback, helps encourage folks to continue to contribute to the community . . . of course, I’m always partial to fansigns too) . . . many folks who have a particular interest have contributed to the list over the years . . . we just ask that you apply this material within consenting adult context . . . SAFE, SANE, and CONSENSUAL . . . with the best interests of your partners and yourselves in mind. It isn’t about control but about enhancement of an experience which leads to enhancement of the relationship.

This subject may not be as "serious" as pain control or other applications of focused trance, but please do not treat it frivolously when approaching it . . . it is paramount that you approach the material in a manner befitting someone who is stepping into a playful adventure with a willing and knowing partner together and that you respect your partner’s needs, limits, and wishes to the utmost.

I hope this has been helpful.

All the best,

Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH

Aug. 29 to Sept. 9, 2005 . . . limited seating.